Apocalyptic atmosphere is fine, but most apocalyptic movies do not show it raining all the time or eternally dark. Pacific Rim was actually apocalyptic in nature and many of the scenes in the second film were in glorious daylight with the sun shining and IT LOOKED GREAT!
Full, clear version of the image used at the convention a few months back.
Kinda hoping we get some more personality out of the titans/kaiju this go round.
I liked the mating scene in the last one because it showed the Muto as a creature protecting its young.
Would be cool to see the Ghidorah heads with personality, and dominance over the other heads
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I believe the director confirmed that this would be the case.
With Godzilla we’re looking at 5 monsters tops right.
Godzilla, KG, Mothra, Rodan and mystery monster.
Who cares about the humans lol
With End Game i’m looking at 30 characters that i’m fully invested in their character arcs.
Godzilla is going to shoot his atomic breath and stomp on other monsters in highly entertaining fashion, the end.
Alot more moving narrative pieces in the MCU you know what I mean.
Don’t get me wrong i’m super stoked for Godzilla but if I could only pick one then End Game it is.
A ultimate great Godzilla film is 45 years in the making for me.