Re: Untitled 3rd Spider-Man film

Bring in Lundgren Punisher and Corman FF, lol.
Everyone after ?Endgame?: ?We done. MCU?s got nothin? left.?
Kevin Feige:
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Usually I?m not a hot toys begger but I seriously cannot wait for figures announcements from these characters if Tobey , doc ock, Andrew and other villains are back. I may not of liked the Asm but his suit was amazing and if Tobey comes back I?m buying a preorder on day 1. Now if they bring dafoe back then please give us an accurate goblin design.
Also venom or black suit would be nice . Also miles is pretty much all but confirmed.
Ooooooo and live action 2099! Yessssss
Hopefully there's Tobey merchandise and the new film keeps the old costume too.
This is starting to sound a little like Last Action Hero.
Or worse... Roger Rabbit.
This is starting to sound a little like Last Action Hero. Are they going to walk into a building and see cartoon Spider-Men walking around too, lol. What about 16-bit Marvel vs. Capcom Spidey, Mego Spidey, etc., lol.
Looks like she escaped like three Sarlacc Pits, lol.