The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Pretty much the same thing that people did to Kelly Marie Tran.

Since you opened the can of worms, I'll inquire...was there ever any proof that she was actually harassed on her social media? I remember the whole story all being traced back to a single blog post. Months after the fact she write some story about how people were mean to her, but there were never any screenshots or anything.

That situation reminded me an awful lot of the "If you don't love Reva you're a racist!" strategy of pre-emptively accusing fans.

Same thing with Tran as Best....I think Rose Tico is a complete **** character, but I would never dream of giving Tran a hard time about it. Rian Johnson is the one that sucks and it's his lame-ass loser self-insert character.

But would any of us turn down a role in a SW movie under any circumstances? If they wanted me to play Jar Jar and Rose Tico's love child, I'd do it.
I bet Ahmed Best never thought he'd live to see the day that he'd be a more badass SW character than Boba Fett, lol.
Holy crap.

Since you opened the can of worms, I'll inquire...was there ever any proof that she was actually harassed on her social media? I remember the whole story all being traced back to a single blog post. Months after the fact she write some story about how people were mean to her, but there were never any screenshots or anything.
I’ll vouch for it. I saw a lot of outright misogynistic and racist statements directed at the actress beyond just dislike of the character. I saw people make fun of her weight, routinely call her ugly and unattractive, insult her ethnicity… so I know she wasn’t making that up.

I don’t like the character either, but I’d have preferred they do better by her instead of just shuffling her to the side in the last movie with shame. She’s a great actress. Definitely deserves her “Best” moment too.
I saw people make fun of her weight, routinely call her ugly and unattractive, insult her ethnicity… so I know she wasn’t making that up.

In-character she was unattractive, but the actor is a very good looking woman. Almost without fail, it's the most disgusting, troll-like incels who gleefully judge the appearance of women that are actually so far outta their league they may as well be trans-dimensional beings, the sight of whose naked body would atomize the losers into a marginally less unpleasant vapour of component molecules.
I was on a lot of forums/boards at the time including cesspools like Reddit and never saw anything directed at the actress. I think the claims of insulting her weight were referring to the terrible costume making her look dumpy, the claims of attacking her ethnicity were actually people complaining about Disney trying and failing to pander to China etc. IIRC the actress left social media not because of fan backlash but stuff coming from media outlets.

Much like with Reva it was a tactic to claim Racism/sexism/bodyshaming yadda yadda to detract from the companies own mistakes. Stop attacking fans, the only toxic people I have come accross in the fanbase are the "brand can do no wrong" types on places like Reddit, the kind who fill topics up with claims of fans being toxic and sexist etc without ever actually showing anyone doing as they claim.

Basically, mountains out of mole hills.

Similar thing with Ahmed Best. For those of us around at the time, most were not on the internet yet. Most of the hate he was getting was from the media outlets. I saw it constantly on TV. Fans definitely complained about Jar Jar to no end but never in those years did I ever come accross someone attacking the actor.

In-character she was unattractive, but the actor is a very good looking woman. Almost without fail, it's the most disgusting, troll-like incels who gleefully judge the appearance of women that are actually so far outta their league they may as well be trans-dimensional beings, the sight of whose naked body would atomize the losers into a marginally less unpleasant vapour of component molecules.
Yeah, Disney did her wrong at every step. She is really beautiful and a decent actress but like John Boyega the company guaranteed her character would fail with how they wrote her and hiw they styled her. Really sad situation for her. I have always hoped the cast would be brought back for a remake of the trilogy with better writing and costumes etc. I know it won't happen but one can dream

In-character she was unattractive, but the actor is a very good looking woman. Almost without fail, it's the most disgusting, troll-like incels who gleefully judge the appearance of women that are actually so far outta their league they may as well be trans-dimensional beings, the sight of whose naked body would atomize the losers into a marginally less unpleasant vapour of component molecules.
That said, whoever was the costume designer did her no favors.


They dressed her up like a bland janitor in baggy, ill-fitting oversized clothes with a hairstyle that didn’t remotely compliment her face. Everything about her costume makes her look frumpy, wide, and clumsy. And she’s not! It’s a terrible outfit. Star Wars characters live or die on visual design. Which kiddo would want to rush out a buy a Rose figure when she’s the same price as the cool new alien or trooper? Even if she was an incredibly well-written character (and she wasn’t), a good design could have done wonders (Darth Maul and Boba Fett are the embodiment of visuals saving underwritten characters.)

But I think that’s one area they did Ahmed Best justice in this recent episode. Yes, he’s a Jedi. We know the look. But they embellished it. The golden runes on his robe, the way it’s tailored and flows, the way he looks natural dual-wielding lightsabers… visually, he stands out, in a good way.

A Star Wars character won’t get far without a good look.
I was on a lot of forums/boards at the time including cesspools like Reddit and never saw anything directed at the actress. I think the claims of insulting her weight were referring to the terrible costume making her look dumpy, the claims of attacking her ethnicity were actually people complaining about Disney trying and failing to pander to China etc. IIRC the actress left social media not because of fan backlash but stuff coming from media outlets.

Much like with Reva it was a tactic to claim Racism/sexism/bodyshaming yadda yadda to detract from the companies own mistakes. Stop attacking fans, the only toxic people I have come accross in the fanbase are the "brand can do no wrong" types on places like Reddit, the kind who fill topics up with claims of fans being toxic and sexist etc without ever actually showing anyone doing as they claim.

Basically, mountains out of mole hills.

Similar thing with Ahmed Best. For those of us around at the time, most were not on the internet yet. Most of the hate he was getting was from the media outlets. I saw it constantly on TV. Fans definitely complained about Jar Jar to no end but never in those years did I ever come accross someone attacking the actor.
Interesting -- I don't spend much time on detailed fan backlash stuff because life is short and all -- but I could SWEAR I remember seeing screen caps of some pretty vile stuff, but maybe it wasn't as much as people say? I don't know.
Interesting -- I don't spend much time on detailed fan backlash stuff because life is short and all -- but I could SWEAR I remember seeing screen caps of some pretty vile stuff, but maybe it wasn't as much as people say? I don't know.
No, I’ll again vouch for it. I don’t know if I could dig up screenshots, but I definitely saw some really heinous stuff. A lot of folks got rightly banned for their behavior and posts were deleted and removed by mods.

Anyway, to be positive, I hope she gets her “Best” moment, and I hope Ahmed’s role isn’t a one-off. He’s incredibly charismatic. If he pops up in a Kenobi season 2 or Bad Batch episode, I’d be thrilled.
people complaining about Disney trying and failing to pander to China etc. IIRC the actress left social media not because of fan backlash but stuff coming from media outlets.

I don't know how Chinese audiences reacted, but I saw the movie in Japan sitting next to my Japanese buddy. As soon as Rose was on screen he was like "WTF is this?" He was not impressed by his "Asian representation."

I can assure you, he didn't "feel seen."
I was on a lot of forums/boards at the time including cesspools like Reddit and never saw anything directed at the actress. I think the claims of insulting her weight were referring to the terrible costume making her look dumpy, the claims of attacking her ethnicity were actually people complaining about Disney trying and failing to pander to China etc. IIRC the actress left social media not because of fan backlash but stuff coming from media outlets.

Much like with Reva it was a tactic to claim Racism/sexism/bodyshaming yadda yadda to detract from the companies own mistakes. Stop attacking fans, the only toxic people I have come accross in the fanbase are the "brand can do no wrong" types on places like Reddit, the kind who fill topics up with claims of fans being toxic and sexist etc without ever actually showing anyone doing as they claim.

Basically, mountains out of mole hills.

Similar thing with Ahmed Best. For those of us around at the time, most were not on the internet yet. Most of the hate he was getting was from the media outlets. I saw it constantly on TV. Fans definitely complained about Jar Jar to no end but never in those years did I ever come accross someone attacking the actor.
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Now I dislike her character and the sequel trilogy as much as the next person but I have no doubt there were horrible comments and death threats directed towards Kelly Marie Tran. Even game reviewers have recieved such things for reviewing a game in a different way from what the fanbase expected, people on the internet hide behind the anonymity and say terrible things to other people, this has always been known.

And look at what happened to Jake Lloyd, he was bullied to no end when he was just a kid to the point it left him with severe mental health issues that are still with him to this day and it has essentially ruined his life.

....saying he ruined the movies and ruined their childhoods, harassing him on the street, nonstop hate as “the worst mistake in Star Wars history” online and off…

It's a two way street.

The first is that people in general should try to be civil and try to be chill. It's just a movie.

The second is that hearing things you don't like is part of the territory. I'm not justifying death threats or anyone trying to actually physically hurt someone, but let's be honest about this, if Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's kids needed a new kidney, a new liver, a new heart, new corneas, whatever - they aren't waiting in line with the rest of the regular people.

Ahmed Best likely got life changing money and fame out of being Jar Jar Binks. It wasn't all good, but I doubt it was all bad as well.

Let's also be honest that this type of victim narrative, true or not ( I'm not trying to shade down on people who are actually being hurt out there), is a form of marketing strategy for these big studios. This is not just random stuff, often many of these storylines are curated. Either fabricated or taking advantage of an already negative situation.

A couple hundred of the worst fans of Star Wars being vocal and being jerks does not implicate the entire fandom. But that's often the narrative presented. You hated this film because you are part of a collective that needs to be cancelled. Instead of it just being a film lots of people didn't like.

If I was at SDCC and Kelly Marie Tran was there and someone was threatening her with violence, I would take out my Glock and pistol whip them. Then I would drag them somewhere private. The nice thing about the SDCC is it's really noisy. No one will hear the screaming. Doom on them. However I wouldn't feel a single bit sorry for KMT. And technically, she's "my people", so I should the most motivated to lean that way. This is part of the deal, good and bad.

I wish Ahmed Best, just that, the very "best" in all things. But I'd also tell him to suck it up if he started to complain to me about toxic fans.

The best revenge, according to Frank Sinatra, is massive success. The best revenge against haters is living a good life. Or apparently only going to the SDCC when I'm there to protect you.

That's my free unsolicited advice to anyone here. If someone wants to get in your face and spout hate at you. Then laugh right in their face. Go live a good life. And if they step one more inch closer, then put them down on the ground. And if they beg for mercy, tell them you are fresh out.

Don't get me wrong, it sucks when you are on the wrong end of the mob. But you can't let the jackals know that they can phase you. That they can get under your skin.

I am happy for Ahmed Best and would like to see him turn into a regular on the Ashoka show. That would be nice for him, nice for fans and nice for the character shown recently.
I was on a lot of forums/boards at the time including cesspools like Reddit and never saw anything directed at the actress. I think the claims of insulting her weight were referring to the terrible costume making her look dumpy, the claims of attacking her ethnicity were actually people complaining about Disney trying and failing to pander to China etc. IIRC the actress left social media not because of fan backlash but stuff coming from media outlets.

Much like with Reva it was a tactic to claim Racism/sexism/bodyshaming yadda yadda to detract from the companies own mistakes. Stop attacking fans, the only toxic people I have come accross in the fanbase are the "brand can do no wrong" types on places like Reddit, the kind who fill topics up with claims of fans being toxic and sexist etc without ever actually showing anyone doing as they claim.

Basically, mountains out of mole hills.

Similar thing with Ahmed Best. For those of us around at the time, most were not on the internet yet. Most of the hate he was getting was from the media outlets. I saw it constantly on TV. Fans definitely complained about Jar Jar to no end but never in those years did I ever come accross someone attacking the actor.

Oh where to begin.

Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
Simple google search brought those up which contain links and pics to some of the attacks of what people said on Twitter and the edit links to wookepedia.

She left because of the fans not the media she says so in an interview here.

She’s Vietnamese so your claim of Disney pandering to China doesn’t make sense.

That people comment on her weight at all be it the clothes or not is a issue. Body shaming actors and actresses is a thing that happens everywhere even on these forums.

It ABSOLUTELY was not some tactic or conspiracy this was something real that happened as you can see from the evidence above. The same is true for the Moses stuff you want evidence of those examples go look it up. It too also happened.

It’s a section of the fandom not the media, the media just brings attention to it.
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Now I dislike her character and the sequel trilogy as much as the next person but I have no doubt there were horrible comments and death threats directed towards Kelly Marie Tran. Even game reviewers have recieved such things for reviewing a game in a different way from what the fanbase expected, people on the internet hide behind the anonymity and say terrible things to other people, this has always been known.

And look at what happened to Jake Lloyd, he was bullied to no end when he was just a kid to the point it left him with severe mental health issues that are still with him to this day and it has essentially ruined his life.

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Didn't say there wasnt any, just that it is vastly overblown. Also, as per Ahmeds post you included, media backlash, not fan backlash

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