Glad to see I'm not the only one letting out a little wee for ehats arguably the Clint Eastwood of star wars!
He came out right in schedule too! So darn happy I ordered the deluxe because what's Bane without faithful T0D0! I think getting him without the butler droid is like getting a horse without legs
I've been putting off buying the Sideshow clone wars figures till their Cad Bane drops but I think that will be the only figure I get from sideshows line. As cool as they look I just cant justify buying the jedi as I sold all my hot toys and old sideshow jedi figures long ago. Starting the same process with Sidrshows Clone Wars line would be far too expensive. Although having this Bane and the animated version next to him on display would be a thing of beauty!
The hat looks like it fits just fine

that's just personal opinion though. I've made my fair share of hats for fugures too. This one doesnt look bad at all though, usually you can tell from the photos that it's not going to work. From what I can see here though it just looks like that clam shell material with flocking glued on. I hope I'm mistaken and its a more durable plastic but even with the way it looks now I'm more than content with it.
Those face plates are really where it's at for me though! They came out so screen accurate! Plus moveable eyes! I mean c'mon! What more could you want! Even the ankle joints have so much more freedom of movement than I could ever have hoped for! I think I'm biased because Bane is my all time favourite bounty hunter but hey!
Now I'll be anxiously waiting for my orders to arrive!