Who said I care though 8th!?

You won't find a single quote in this thread or any other on this subject where I say "This bothers
ME". Or "
I care about the height". Because I don't. I could care less. There isn't a single fiber in my entire body that could give a single, solitary ounce of a ^^^^ about this figure being short. Real talk.
I'm stating a fact. It's shorter than every other Predator figure released so far from HT. That's not my opinion. That's a fact.
The only reason the issue keeps coming up is, for whatever reason (but I'm sure it has to do with people defending what they own) people want to deny that fact. They wanna act like it's NOT short. They wanna act like everyone who clearly sees it's shorter than the other Predator figures is wrong or seeing things. hahahaha..
It's short. That's it. If it doesn't affect you or you liking the figure, great. Doesn't change the fact that it's short.
If you have on a red shirt and I say "Your shirt is red" and you say "Yes, it IS Red". End of conversation.
If you have on a red shirt and I say "Your shirt is red" and you say "It's not Red. it might be a little Red, more Red than White. But I don't consider it Red." and more people chime in like "It's not Red." Yeah.. the conversation will continue.
Now imagine in that example someone asking "Why do you care so much"!? I don't. How does my stating a fact = me caring!? I seriously don't understand that. If anything.. the people who continually deny that the HT P1 figure is shorter than ALL the other HT Predator figures are the ones that "Care". Because they seem to find it impossible to admit.