never seen the interest in this movie. call me naive. maybe it's just not my generation.
Mature themed, graphically violent anime is a common thing these days, but back in the old pre-internet, pre-dvd days Akira was groundbreaking stuff. We'd never seen anything like that before. I could see where kids growing up nowadays would find it boring.
Beyond that, it was the first real anime film that I was personally exposed to. As ObsoleteMan says, that stuff wasn't easy to find in the U.S. back then at all, and to even know that a cartoon existed that was as technically sophisticated as something Disney could come up with, but not geared toward small children really struck a chord with me personally.
I'll admit that I have never seen Akira (please don't kill me), but I've heard many a great things about it. It's from the same era as a lot of other amazing Anime, so I have no doubt I'll love it too. I've been looking to get the Blu-Ray, just waiting for a good price.
Any new Kubrick news? I can't make heads or tails of what's going on on that site.U got any links about that Batty?