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fiddled with the pic, tried to bring out more of the details... of course now it's slightly discolored...

but now you can really see how great it looks!

cheers cbob... and yes master dud.. your wish is my comand LOL.

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Dorgs you beautiful bastard...that is amazing! Thanks Chakaman..awesome...I love the guild
cheers cbob... and yes master dud.. your wish is my comand LOL.

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ooooohhhh.... looks good! Although I had to copy and paste the url from the quote, can't see the pics here for some reason...

And is that so? Hmm... in that case.... :naughty

EDIT: fixed the pictures! :banana

they all needed another ">" at the beginning, and the ending on the 4th one had no "." before it said "jpg"
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still can't see your pics here dorgs, don't know what's wrong.... I'll have to put the url in a new window again...

oh! There, I fixed it! You left off a little ">" at the end of " < a > " ...
Some more pics... as stormie as asked by DUDE.

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Neyo looks fantastic C-Bob, what'd you use for weathering?

And I couldn't help but notice your red/grey Mando in back next to Jango... just like my Kyrr Geron is gonna be, except with inverse helmet color scheme... but unlike yours, which is clean (as far as I can tell), he'll be weathered up nicely I think!

Oh well, when there's only 10 or so different colors to mix and match to make a custom Mandalorian, (red, green, blue, black, grey, orange, yellow, white, silver, and... erm... purple?) and there's 2 different colors for each (Jango is silver/blue, Boba is green/red, etc.)... well, some colors, like purple, are rarely used... which leaves us with 9 colors. 9 primary colors times 9 secondary colors is 81 different combinations... take away unlikely combos (like white and silver, red and orange, etc.) and we're left with about 79 differerent combinations.

Of course, many people don't want to use yellow on their Mando, so that makes the possibilities even less...

I guess eventually 2 people will independently think of the same color combinations... especially if their favorite color is red... and it would seem that you like red quite a bit, C-Bob...

anyway, Neyo looks perfect with the decals and weathering!
Neyo looks great Cbob! you did a really great job on that helmet man. much better than the GG bust helm cast I have. Looks great!
Yeah baby!!!! That is a fine looking Neyo, Imagine if we could get our troopers together for a wee shin dig ho down knees up!!

Be so cool.
Neyo looks fantastic C-Bob, what'd you use for weathering?

And I couldn't help but notice your red/grey Mando in back next to Jango... just like my Kyrr Geron is gonna be, except with inverse helmet color scheme... but unlike yours, which is clean (as far as I can tell), he'll be weathered up nicely I think!

I guess eventually 2 people will independently think of the same color combinations... especially if their favorite color is red... and it would seem that you like red quite a bit, C-Bob...

anyway, Neyo looks perfect with the decals and weathering!

For weathering neyo i used grey, black, brown, and yellow acrylics. I started with black normal painting for the damage/scratches followed by drybrushing black and grey for lighter streaks. Then i used a mix of watered down black then grey for around the battle damage. Then a very very watered down mix of both for all over the place. Lastly some watered down brown around his feet and some watered down yellow on his helmet. Oh i need to gloss neyo's visor, it was late and i was getting sleepy lol.

Aye i do love the colour red. My mandalorian isn't a specific one i just made him like that. He does need weathering up, i'll do him 1 day :)

Neyo looks great Cbob! you did a really great job on that helmet man. much better than the GG bust helm cast I have. Looks great!

Yeah baby!!!! That is a fine looking Neyo, Imagine if we could get our troopers together for a wee shin dig ho down knees up!!

Be so cool.

Cheers guys, and maybe 1 day dorgs :)
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Well what a day!!

This morning I got a wee envelope form ye olde Cbob with some decals for Neyo from evilface... they are amazing PLUS some loverly cloth fro some frocks for my clones....
But it does not end there OOOWWWW no. Our good friend Bidufarewell has lent me a head.. the head that he used for his brilliant Dengar... SO I will cast it up in plaster, scalp him and add a mean looking scare!! I will let u all know when the casts are available.

Amazing... but it went on... Enauds sculpts arrived to!!!!!!
I am speechless about his work, speechless. His detailing and perfectionism is stunning. I will be taking lots of photos in the coming weeks as I work on them...

If you are in two minds about how good they are... rest assured you will not be disappointed by them. I would sell my granny and auction off my good lady to the highest bidder for Enauds work. It is simply fanchuffinbleedintiptoptastic!!!!

I am most definitely going to do skiff guards with them and Vivisect is on the case for clothing as usual.

I feel very honoured to be part of this forum and so privileged to know so many talented wonderful collectors and crafts-folk.

so I have poooped a frock on my red nikto, undercoated him and here he is so far.

Thank you so much Enaud.... I am forever in your debt.


Fi-Ek Sirch

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Man, need to get me one of those Nikto heads!!! I am always tempted, but I try to resist.... then I see them resurface, looking fantastic, and I can't hold out much longer....

Speaking of things arriving in the mail, I will be doing more casts of Nunb soon, I'll send you a couple ASAP! Sorry it's taking sooo long, have still been sick for a while, haven't been feeling up to casting stuff, but I'm mostly better now... so I'll try to get a Nunb head to you in less than 2 weeks!