Hey guys i am picking mine up tomorrow, any chance you can give us a picture guide as to exactly what you need to do?
If you mean the dreadlocks mod myself and Rzeznikk have done, I didn't take any in progress pics.
But its pretty much an 'exactly like it says on the tin' kind of thing.
-Pull the dreadlocks out - in stages. I started from the front, worked backwards, and did only so many at once as I believed I could keep track of. I laid them out on a flat surface in an arrangement which mirrored their location on the Predator's head.
*note* not all of the dreadlocks will come out cleanly. Some will tear leaving a stump inside the hole on the head. I didn't consider this a disaster. Just make sure you pull on the dreads as close to the root as you can get so that any tears will be hidden near the predator's skull or inside the holes.
-Now notice how the dreads are all curved, how on the figure this curve makes all the dreads flow backwards behind the shoulders. The simple remedy to this is to turn them around so that curve now makes them flow forwards. Just drip some glue in the holes on the head and put the dreads back on with this in mind. Every now and then stop and put the biomask on the figure so you can see what it will look like.
-By repositioning the dreads on the side of the head to flow forwards you may notice that it looks like you're creating empty spaces or bald patches. So you probably will have to adjust all the dreads accordingly to fill in these spaces.
I imagine this mod would work to best effect for those of you who have customised your biomasks or bought custom ones. Although I'm happy with my dread-mod that big bulky mask prevents mine from looking quite right.