Aw, come on - no love for Narcissa?

I got a couple of other drawings to post. They aren't new, both are from the earlier this decade, around 2002-2003 I believe. My skills have vastly improved, but I still thought these were worth showing. The owl drawing was put up in a museum in China when I was in high school. The museum was displaying high school work from all over the world and my piece was chosen to go.
Here's a pointless fan fic for you, as well:
Surrounded by scattered fungal stalks, Elik Namkie strode silently
across the landscape. Small, primitive ferns were trampled at his
feet, and his clone troops drove them even deeper into the ground as
they followed suit. The mesoternis fungal stalks were becoming more
densely spaced, making it harder for the young Jedi Knight to spot any
oncoming battle droids. Elik was repeatedly feeling a disturbance in
the Force around him, but could not determine where it was coming
"General Namkie," called Commander Travonne, walking up from behind
the Jedi in his white armored suit and helmet, which was decorated
with dull red markings. "We're receiving a bad transmission. Do I have
permission to search the area to receive a better signal?"
"Yes," replied Elik, paying little attention to the clone, but rather
peering into the fungal forest after hearing a rustling. "Take two
troops with you. Report back when you have the message."
"Yes, General." Two clones broke away from the group of a dozen and
followed Travonne, walking several meters away into the fungal forest.
The young Elik pushed his dark cloak back and ran his fingers over his
lightsaber hilt, which hung from the left side of his belt. He looked
up at the nearest fungal stalk. It was green, with a rubbery
meter-wide trunk that was the same size at the base that it was at the
top of the mushroom, until it met the bumpy dark green cap about four
meters above ground. Each fungal stalk looked the same as this one in
the area, only some were smaller, others larger. Earlier in the
campaign they had come in contact with far more wild looking species.
Elik heard the echoes of a transmission trying to come through and
decided to go meet the officers to see their progress. Walking up, he
heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the transmission. It was oily,
thick, and utterly frightening.
"…cute Ord….ixty-si…" came the voice. Elik cocked his head like a
Zagobah Nightflyer, trying to hear and make sense of the recording. It
came again, this time much clearer. "Execute Order 66."
Order 66? thought Elik. He was unaware of such an order. Travonne
replied back to the transmission, regarding the voice as "my Lord."
Lord? Who could he possibly be speaking to? A sudden painful pulse
from the Force fell down upon Elik, striking the pit of his heart.
"Go and tell the others. Do not let the general overhear," instructed
Travonne. "We must act quickly." The three clones turned back toward
the group to return. Elik hid himself behind a fungal stalk, and
stepped out in front of the troops when they came close. His sudden
appearance made Travonne seem unsure of what to do. The two clones
looked equally as lost, and looked to their commander. After a brief,
awkward moment, Travonne began to raise his blaster. "General -"
before he could finish his sentence, a blue glow flashed across his
arms, and they tumbled into the ferns. Travonne yelled in pain as the
two troops raised their weapons. In one single motion they were
cracked across the chest and fell backward onto the ground, a glowing
burn carved into their armor. Travonne looked around helplessly. His
communicator was on his wrist plate, which lay on the ground with his
limbs and the dead troopers.
"What is Order 66?" demanded Elik in a frantic voice, his lightsaber
held at Travonne's neck. "What is it?" Travonne refused to respond,
but instead yelled out for help from the rest of the group, who were
hidden from view through the fungal stalks. Elik silenced the man with
a slash across the neck, sending him headless into the ferns. Elik
spun around as he deactivated his lightsaber, only to see the other
troops coming from around several plant stalks. He walked briskly
toward them, trying to distract them from before they got within
eyesight of the bodies.
"What was it, General?" asked one trooper. "Where is the commander?"
asked another. Despite Elik's best efforts, he could not stop one
particularly inquisitive trooper from walking past him. He closed his
eyes and listened to the trooper's footsteps, which fell nearly
simultaneously with his ever-quickening heartbeat. The footsteps
stopped at eleven, but fortunately his heartbeat did not.
"By the Force!" exclaimed the trooper, who stared down into the
undergrowth. Elik's heart dropped into his stomach. The troopers ran
around him and met the other clone. Elik could hear their conversation
over the beating of his heart in his ears.
"Oh no! Oh no!" said one. "That's no blaster shot - that's a
lightsaber wound!" said another. Another clone disagreed. "No, it
can't be. There's no lightsa-" "Yes there are! The general, idiot!"
informed another.
Elik grew cold. He could sense the troopers looking back at him. He
didn't know what to do. His mind raced.
If I could only get back to
base, to a speeder, I may have a chance, he thought.
"General! What happened here?" asked a trooper. Elik turned to face
them, but couldn't respond. The trooper tightened his grip on his
blaster and stepped forward. "Tell us." As he walked forward, Elik
took the same amount of steps back, keeping an equal distance from
him. "General? What are you doing? What's wrong?"
Another trooper picked up the transmitter from beneath the fern fronds
and activated its message. "Execute Order 66," came the voice, but
this time Elik could see the holographic image of the speaker, which
was a hooded figure. The troopers looked at each other for a moment,
then looked back at Elik, who had suddenly disappeared into the
Elik raced back to the base, crossing a small stream, and more fungal
forests. He occasionally heard something behind him, but it was
distant enough that he didn't look back. Suddenly he stopped, seeing
the base ahead with various transports and tanks sitting around it.
Elik knew he couldn't hesitate for long; he had to come up with a plan.
His clones were fast approaching from the forest, their shouts
echoing through the stalks and reaching his ears. He leapt straight
up into the air, flipped himself into the cleared area before the base,
and landed directly onto a BARC Speeder. Several clone troopers
spotted him immediately.
"There he is! Blast him!" shouted one trooper, firing two shots at
Elik, but the Jedi started the speeder and blasted away into the
forest. His clones reached the base just a few seconds afterward. The
clones on the base ran down the meet them. "Alert all commands!
Namkie has yet to be brought down. He must be intercepted and
Weaving through the giant mesoternis stalks, Elik kept an eye out for
other troops in the forest. There were several other groups scouring
the area for the Separatists' battle droids, and now for the Jedi. He
sensed several presences in the forest up ahead and braced for an
attack. As suspected, a group of clones came into view. They were
waiting for the Jedi and immediately began firing in his direction.
Lucky for him, they were poor shots. Elik maneuvered his speeder
straight toward the troops, and at the last moment, they leapt aside,
a split second before Elik would've struck them.
Minutes past, with no more troopers seen. Elik's emotions slowly
calmed, hoping that he had made it out of the danger zone. He
continued through the forest, keeping aware of his surroundings. After
several more minutes, he felt two presences to his rear. He looked
over his shoulder, and at first saw nothing. He looked again a few
seconds later, and from behind some plant stalks emerged two clone
troopers on BARC Speeders, identical to his own. His heart began to
beat faster and faster. Blaster bolts whizzed past his head, barely
missing him and the speeder. He pushed the throttle to full speed,
aware that even a slight miscalculation on his part could send him
careening into a fungal stalk and to his death. The clones matched his
speed, and at every clear chance, fired upon his speeder.
After an hour-long chase, and the fiery crash of one of the troopers
into a fungal stalk, a well-aimed blaster bolt planted itself into the
rear of Elik's speeder. The craft jolted and smoked from the blast.
The tiring Elik turned to look at the damage just as the second blast
came in. The magnitude of the impact shoved Elik forward, forcing his
body onto the controls. His fate sealed, the Jedi took in his last
breath, which filled him with an inferno. His world - his universe -
exploded, and what was left of it bounced off the plant life,
littering the nearby fungal landscape.