Think You're Getting Screwed By Your Customizer? Here's a Guide!

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Dark Passenger

Super Freak
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Has you or someone you loved been screwed over by a customizer? I have made a list of things to watch out for to see if you are going to, or already have, been screwed by your customizer. No one likes to be f'ed over. Follow these simple guidelines and you can at least prepapre to be screwed. It goes in easier if you're ready for it and see it coming.

#1- Customizer claims there has been a death in the family.
While this is a touchy subject, many customizers have a lot of grandparents somehow. Some have even had all 7 of their remaining grandparents die in one calendar year. While it may not be suspicious to some, this is an early warning sign that you may soon be getting screwed. Hard.

#2- Customizer has been in an automobile accident, and/or has been set on fire, and/or lost his home when a plane crash landed on it.
Apparently God hates customizers as He is always doing horrible things to them or their homes. If you haven't heard for your customizer in a while (see rule #3) and he finally gives his thread an 'update' that involves his home or himself bodily harm, prepare to be screwed. Hard.

#3- Customizer does not answer your emails or Private Messages (PM's).
Customizers really do get stuck with very crappy internet and phone service. Their email never works, they never get PMs with read receipts and always 'lose' your messages. I don't know what internet service they all use, but maybe it's time for them to switch over from dial up. If your customizer hasn't contacted you in a few months (or years), you may be getting screwed. Hard.

#4- Customizer says he shipped you out already or will ship you out soon.
Not only does God hate customizers, but so do postal employees. I have never sent something out that was never delivered. But postal workers are always losing customizer's packages or just decide to not ship it. If your customizer says you're shipping soon and it's been over a month, prepare to be screwed. Hard.

#5- Customizer says he will be refunding everyone's money.
Let's face it, most customizers are struggling artists who's primary income is customizing. They barely get by paying bills but always have extra cash for new figures, props, masks, or other collectibles. If you're awaiting a refund from your customizer and see he bought a brand new Cadillac Escalade on FaceBook, prepare to be screwed. Hard.

#6- Customizer hasn't logged in in over a month.
When they have a new head sculpt to sell they are on everyday and quickly answering PMs. For some reason, when they take all the money for everything, they always start to experience log in problems. If you check your customizer's profile page and see it's been over a month since there last log in, you may be soon to be screwed over. Hard.

These are just a few simple early warning signs. If you can answer yes to 2 or 3 of these prepare to be screwed. Hard.

You forgot about the Soviets. Apparently when the bottom dropped out of that whole Cold War thing, they refocused their efforts on men good at painting.

I think one of the early warning sign is when customizer start taking on too many projects at the same time.

Yeah it worries me when I see that. Whats a customer supposed to do when a project is taking so long because the customizer is doing so many things at once that the paypal and credit card claim periods are long expired.
#7 - If the customerizer ever says he is hard up for money or is broke, you will get screwed.
Can you believe we're still waiting for a "Fo-truss of Salt-a-dude" vid? :tap

Soon my friend, soon. I already know what 'props' I need, just need to put it all together. I'll make it short and sweet, 2 minutes or less. Like my love making.

It's funnier if you read it in Jeff Foxworthy's voice.

I wrote it with Troy McClure from The Simpsons in mind. Try that.