Sweet. I got my figures today

They are niiiiice. I do have a few niggles, but I'll get to those later. Sorry, I only took a few iPhone pics for now, when I charge the proper camera, I should be able to take some better quality pics. Here are a few iPhone pics. Sorry about the quality.
I haven't really experimented with the articulation thoroughly yet. Maybe later I'll experiment with more extreme poses when I charge the proper camera. Also, the oddness I saw with the Naruto figure in some earlier pics, don't seem that apparent in person. In fact, I don't even notice it. But maybe I'm blinded by my excitement on receiving these figures. So the pics will help you decide for yourself. Both figures come with a clear stand. These figures are bigger than I thought, which was a nice surprise. I do still think they are priced to high, compared to other high end 1/6 figures, but I don't regret buying them. I'm happy with my purchases.
Alright, on to a few niggles I have. Sasuke's rope belt is way to big. I took a side pic to show how thick the rope belt is.
The shine on the belt doesn't bother me though. Also, the ankle sock thingee's that wrap around Sasuke's heel, feel's fragile. The material is thin & the part of the material that wraps under & around the heel, looks like it could fall apart too easily. Might have been better if they used a more durable material, or even if they sculpted it. It was also a bit of a problem (not thaaaaat much, but still worth mentioning) standing Sasuke up on his own. I think the problem is the ankle articulation. Again, I haven't thoroghly tested the articulation, but I think the limited movement in the ankles is the problem.
As for the Naruto figure, it's pretty sweet, & the niggles I have can be covered up. I'm talking about the cheap looking mesh under shirt & Tsunade's necklace. The actual pendant on the necklace is alright, but the flimsy string it's on, makes it look & feel cheap.
Overall, these are sweet figures. My niggles feel small compared to their overall coolness. Best Naruto figures I know of. Give us Rock Lee Medicom.