Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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Super Freak
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Karachi, Pakistan
So Adam asked me to post this for him.

He plans to update the thread with progress on this head. This is NOT FOR SALE, just a personal piece but he wanted to share it as a WIP piece of art.

This is just the basic likeness at this stage. Next stage is some refinement and addition of scars. The final expression is also going to be different.


Above version was redone, latest WIP:


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It depresses me that Imaresqd never released that Batman Begins sculpt for sale. It was phenomenal. About 10 times better than the stock Hot Toys version. . .oh, well.
Theres a lot of talent on these boards, then some people are gifted. Hard work will get you a good sculpt I'm sure, but this is just mind blowing. :clap
i would love a heath sculpt like that with no scars to mess around with......brokeback mountain heath, heath in a casket, 10 things i hate about you heath. Great work and kudos.
Wish Adam would come back here and offer more sculpts. It's Sucks to lose one of the best 1/6 sculptor ever.
This teaser is almost a shame, like sticking a candy bar in front of a kid and telling him he can't have any. :(
Looks great so far. Adam has a true talent. Hope to see that bane in the back some time too.