Super Freak
Re: Skiman's Workshop (Girl w/ the Dragon Tattoo Lizbeth, Clockwork Orange Alex DeLar
Awesome IKE, I love it!
Thanks for posting these.
Awesome IKE, I love it!

Thanks for posting these.
Damn fine work, Broski. You've obviously mastered your flesh techniques. Props, yo.![]()
Getting pics together of our lil one, perhaps tonight, I have a family anniversary to attend so... ima for just a smidge.
beautiful paint job as always!!
Damn fine work, Broski. You've obviously mastered your flesh techniques. Props, yo.![]()
Freaking Alex DeLarge. I definitely do want that one.
Welly welly well! Amazing Ski!
That's a freaking great paint up on Alex![]()
Excellent!I see a sneer, how'd you get a sneer?
Wow! That is awesome! Will theese be avail. later on?![]()
Gorgeousness and gorgeosity, brother! A talented take on one of my favorite characters and movies ever. NOICE!!!
Viddy well little brother, viddy well. . .
I was cured alright!
Loving the DeLarge, Ski! Those are Malcom McDowell's!
I see it too! Looks like her upper lip is slightly lifted by the ring. Very cool.![]()
Alex is amazing Ski! Hot damn that is just awesome!
I see that Ski is kicking ass and taking names again with his Lizbeth & Alex DeLarge pieces!![]()
Newt? ...![]()
Looks good though! Nice sheen on the eye.![]()
Incredible work on Alex!!!
Thanks, Dave!![]()
Beautiful work on the RM Alex, and very nice airbrushing on the jacket.
Liking that alex great job droogie
Have you ever painted this sculpt?
Reckon you could make it proper horror show![]()