Here's my stupid question for the day:
Is my avatar animated or static???
Its suppose to be look like this:
It's static. It just sits there.
Here's my stupid question for the day:
Is my avatar animated or static???
Its suppose to be look like this:
Didn't fancy starting a thread so i figured i'd ask here.
1. Saying that someone shouldn't be allowed to do something because of the colour of their skin is racist, correct? Non-aggressive and mild but still racist?
2. What is more offensive, someone saying that or someone calling that person Racist for saying that?
It's nothing to do with this board
Just something i experienced that was against what i was raised to view as conventional logic.
Basically I was over at Comicvine on a Man of Steel thread chatting about the movie when some people posted how they thought Lawrene fishburne was flat in the role of Perry White, i agreed he wasn't that great really.
Discussion went on and some people basically said they shouldn't have casted him as he wasn't the right colour. i responded in generalities not targetting anyone specific and called out such comments as racist, mild & non-agreesive but still racist.
I was banned for two weeks for making an offensive comment.
Seemed all backwards to me.
Only if I'm paranoid. My left ear has been ringing for a while and I'm about 98% that it's not an infection.
In that context I don't think it's racist. Take Nick Fury for example. He started out as a white guy and now he's black. If I know what nationality a character is supposed to be and they change that for whatever reason it kind of irks me. That doesn't stop at nationality either. Jack Reacher is supposed to be a 6' 4" heavily muscled blonde guy. Who do they pick to play him? A short, shomewhat buff, brunnette guy. Same thing with Operation Red Wing coming out soon. Marcus Luttrelle is about 6' 4" tall. Who's is playing him? Mark WahlbergIt's nothing to do with this board
Just something i experienced that was against what i was raised to view as conventional logic.
Basically I was over at Comicvine on a Man of Steel thread chatting about the movie when some people posted how they thought Lawrene fishburne was flat in the role of Perry White, i agreed he wasn't that great really.
Discussion went on and some people basically said they shouldn't have casted him as he wasn't the right colour. i responded in generalities not targetting anyone specific and called out such comments as racist, mild & non-agreesive but still racist.
I was banned for two weeks for making an offensive comment.
Seemed all backwards to me.
It would be nice to discover that it's just fluid trapped in my ear and not a weak carotid wall that's nearly impossible to reach without breaking my jaw.