Hot Toys - X-Men Days of Future Past?

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Uncanny Web-Slinger

Super Freak
Sep 26, 2010
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Xavier Institute

I hope this is true, and beyond Wolverine.

There's so many characters that'd make awesome figures; Young Magneto, Future Professor X, Mystique, Beast, Colossus, Bishop ect...
Re: Hot Toys - X-Men Days of Future Past

Ok I get your excitement but WAIT until this is officially confirmed as a legitimate interview!
So i'm guessing the Nolan Batman villain we're supposedly getting for the Toy fair EX is probably Ra's al ghul.
They are "looking into it," while they have actually, initially confirmed and showed prototypes of figures from other X-movies that apparently aren't being released. I wouldn't hold my breath for anything apart from another Wolverine.
Actually, I would bet on the crappy looking futuristic version :lol

Not the most inspired costume to say the least but That is the version of wolverine I want from the DOFP movie, I would also like a Professor X Patrick Stewart figure as well.
Hope this interview is legit. Finally they asked the right questions. And holy moly, I'd kill for an HT Chewbacca.
As much as I'd love a bunch of X-Men and Spiderman Hot Toys, I'm not holding my breath until I actually see/hear some anouncements. Their track record on these 2 franchises SUCKS!
Not the most inspired costume to say the least but That is the version of wolverine I want from the DOFP movie, I would also like a Professor X Patrick Stewart figure as well.
Well I think it is the main "hero" costume for him, so it makes sense. But I would much prefer a funky, casual '70s outfit, somewhat reminiscent of his casual wear in the Claremont/Byrne run.
Well I think it is the main "hero" costume for him, so it makes sense. But I would much prefer a funky, casual '70s outfit, somewhat reminiscent of his casual wear in the Claremont/Byrne run.

The 70's outfit is not a bad look but its bash-able and knowing the old man Logan is going to be what most people want, me included it is better we get that I think. Knowing hot toys though we could likely get a second figure from the line and it would be 70's wolverine instead of another character from the film:lol
I'm not taking anything in that article seriously, only because of the fact that today is April 1st

I mean Batman Returns not coming until 2015-2016? that's just someone playing off the delay of the license.:monkey4
Rofl this thread got shot down fast.

And wasn't there a toy rights issue where Marvel has the toy rights for the characters and refuse to make toys for Fox's movie?

I know Marvel made a deal with Sony, that's why there's a lot more Spidey figs and a HT license compared to DOFP stuff
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