Media Resident Evil 4 - 5 - 6 (PS4 / XBONE)

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If I had to say what they could add...probably new costumes for all three, easily since REmake and 0 added some.
4 - Give it a true remaster with improved textures and character models, and frame rate, not just resolution. Give us a ****ing platinum trophy! Not that piss poor excuse for a trophy list. Perhaps an online leader board for mercenaries, did RE4 on PS3/Xbox 360 have that? Maybe make it so cutscenes are realtime with the mafia and knight costumes, since in Wii they reverted to the normal costumes.
5 - See above, not sure what they could fix...if they add a solo mode, that would be enough to justify the package. I guess for some, they could fix Sheva's AI.
6 - Make it a good game :lol somehow, at least fix the mechanics.

Still wondering why no Code Veronica but I can live.
**** yeah we do! Perhaps for all three games, we could get additional characters. Is there any notable differences in the mercenaries modes between all three games?
Co-op mercenaries could be interesting in 4, but I don't see them adding it and I wouldn't necessarily blame them.
Now all we need are the remakes of 3: Nemesis and Code Veronica and we'll have the entire series once the RE2 Remake is released.
I think a RE3 remake is fully dependent upon how well REmake 2 does, and RE2 is the most liked of the franchise so it's pretty much a given REmake 3 will get done. Plus, RE3 is so intertwined with RE2 it's GOT to happen.
I agree. I think RE3 remake is only a matter of when.

I hope RE4 is not just a prettier version of PS3 HD. I hope they really make it look much better, plus also update character models.
I played RE4 HD months ago, and although its still great it and still holds well even after all these years, you do see that it would benefit from having the characters brought up closer to RE 5/6 level.
OK, i already have RE4HD for PS3, so what does this mean?

You think it'll be cross platform... probably not?

I was hoping Capcom would officially license the RE4HD project these guys have been doing..

Resident Evil 4 HD Project | The Complete HD Remaster of Resident Evil 4



With the help of some RE4 staff they've found the original inspirations and texture bases for the game, truly epic stuff. Oh well..
I'm hoping it doesn't cross-platform with the original RE4 HD, because then it may have the same issues. It should be completely separate. And by this point most people upgraded to the current generation anyway
I think RE5 is the only one I'll buy when it comes out. It's the only one I haven't ever purchased a re-release of :lol

Except of course 6....

I think I bought RE4 four different times :lol. **** that game.

To be fair, the Wii is the best version due to the content of the PS2, and the improved visuals based off the GameCube version. Really, all it needs are the glitches - I want to suplex people as Ashley damn it! :lol it's kind of worthwhile on that, along with the few control schemes. Oh and you do get an Umbrella Chronicles trailer. that's...something! PS2 was fine due to the content, PC? Ha, no. Wish I knew about stuff like CV being remastered so poorly.

PA, take your stupid RE4 hate out of here! It's not like Biojex doesn't have a dozen copies of each game