Gangsters Kingdom 1/6 Heart 3 Bartley 黑帮王国系列1/6人偶 红桃家族-红桃3 巴特莱 已正式推出,
并配备红桃3巴特莱的罗威纳犬以及红桃3人物漫画! 感谢您的关注和支持! (GK014)
“ 他杀人可以不用枪”!!He Kills without Guns.
红桃3 Bartley 巴特莱早期当过兵,在部队时他就擅长拉皮条,给一些士兵和低阶军官介绍各种女人从中牟利。退役后加入了个公路小帮派,在当地经营着一家色情酒吧,酒吧生意非常好在当地也颇有名气,他和小比利也是在那里认识的。巴特莱凭借天生的口才,将自己吹嘘一番后得到了跟随小比利得机会。在跟随小比利后初始阶段巴特莱并无作为,但他凭借察言观色的本领和以往拉皮条的经验很快将几个红桃旗下色情场所经营得日渐红火,并且又扩张了几家, 并开设了两家高级会所专供上层有钱人享乐。给红桃家族带来不少收益和人脉,但红桃k一直不喜欢他那张擅长吹嘘的嘴脸,虽然巴特莱让红桃家族赚了不少钱,但最后也只得到了一张红桃3的身份牌。巴特莱对自己所得的身份很不满。小比利的玩世不恭让他也很难有出头之日。
“他回来了”?巴特莱晃动着手中的酒杯,神情凝重地走到墙边的书柜前,书柜里都是他搜集的古董,其中挂着两把定制的Lehman m1911格外醒目,这两把枪是他心爱之物,他曾欲将两把枪赠送给奥格尔以便拉拢,结果被奥格尔一句“这枪杀不了人”给回绝掉。
巴特莱右手腕纹身是其俱乐部logo,象征着权力,金钱,情色。“timely enjoyment”及时享乐的价值观也随之相应。
Tattoo on Bartley’s right wrist. It was the logo of his clubs, symbolized power, money and sex. “timely enjoyment” was his motto.
The tattoo on his left arm was put on when he was still in the army. He liked that saying:” War needs a woman.” It fitted his identity as a pimp.
胸口纹身 never really left us从(从未真正离开我们)是他怀念那些在战场上失去的战友。
“never really left us”- the tattoo on his chest. To honor his lost friends in battle.
CHAPTER 5: J’s counterattack.
Section 1: The Deterrence Of J
The 3 of Heart - Bartley used to be in the army. He was good at pimping back when he was in the force, introducing all kinds of women to soldiers and low-rank officers. After his discharge, he joined a small road gang. He had a little exotic bar running, which was quite profitable and famous around the locals. That was where he met Billy. With his natural-born eloquence, Bartley talked himself up and earned his chance to work for Billy. Early on Bartley did not stand out, but later, his insight of others and experience as a pimp helped him. The several exotic places that the Heart Family owned were flourished under his watch. He even expanded a few more, opened up two high-end clubs for upper classes. Even though he brought profits and connections for the Heart family, K of Heart never liked his bragging and touting face. Bartley only ranked the 3 of Heart as his ID in the family, which was unsatisfying for him. Yet, Billy’s cynicism did not help Bartley as well.
After Ogier’s arrival, Bartley thought he would be the one to woo. But he was wrong. Ogier had no interest in the sex trade and he did not bought what Bartley sold. Although Ogier did not had much lust for women, but the grudge he hold against Bartley was caused by a woman. Barley almost lost his life during that fight in which Ogier left him a battered face and a mouth full of golden teeth. Bartley resented Ogier yet feared for his status in the family too much to take action.
“So he is back?” Shaking the glass in hand, Bartley walked towards the bookshelf by the wall. It was full of antiques that he had collected. A pair of handmade Lehman m1911 was standing out. They were his favorites. He had given those to Ogier as gift, but he was turned down with just several words - “these can’t kill.”
Barley took out those two guns, admired them in his hand. He said to the man in the room, “He said these can’t kill.”
“He can kill without a gun.” A well-dressed middle-aged man responded with a grin.
“So, what kills ya, Ogier?” Suddenly, Bartely pointed the gun at a huge Rotweiler that was sitting on the ground. The dog roared back at him, as he was trying to answer.
“The 10 of Heart and his ......s won’t stop Ogier this time.” The middle-age man said.
“The golden card can be used only once. Ogier won’t use it in vein. The 10 of Heart will take the opportunity to expand his territory.” Bartley turned to the man and gave him a meaningful look.
“My uncle knew that already. And he had prepared for it. But he is old and has no successor.” That man looked back with a smile on his face.
“Maybe we can get help from Ogier. After all, you are the only nephew of the boss.” Bartley raised his glass for a toast….。
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Heart 3 Bartley
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国---------红桃3 巴特莱
10.1911冲锋手枪 A款
11.1911冲锋手枪 B款
12.30发弹匣 A款
13.30发弹匣 B款
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom--------Heart 3 Bartley
2.Action bady
3.filler underwear
4.The purple shirt
5.Green tie
6.Red waistcoat
7.Red gold suit
8.Black trousers
9. black belt
10.1911 machine pistol A
11.1911 machine pistol B
12.30-round magazine A款
13.30-round magazineB款
14.15-round magazine
15.cigar(Smoke effects)
17.Cigar pliers
19.A pocket watch
21.Red sunglasses
22.Leather shoes
23.Palm (4)
25.Metal dog chain
26.Leather collar
并配备红桃3巴特莱的罗威纳犬以及红桃3人物漫画! 感谢您的关注和支持! (GK014)
“ 他杀人可以不用枪”!!He Kills without Guns.
红桃3 Bartley 巴特莱早期当过兵,在部队时他就擅长拉皮条,给一些士兵和低阶军官介绍各种女人从中牟利。退役后加入了个公路小帮派,在当地经营着一家色情酒吧,酒吧生意非常好在当地也颇有名气,他和小比利也是在那里认识的。巴特莱凭借天生的口才,将自己吹嘘一番后得到了跟随小比利得机会。在跟随小比利后初始阶段巴特莱并无作为,但他凭借察言观色的本领和以往拉皮条的经验很快将几个红桃旗下色情场所经营得日渐红火,并且又扩张了几家, 并开设了两家高级会所专供上层有钱人享乐。给红桃家族带来不少收益和人脉,但红桃k一直不喜欢他那张擅长吹嘘的嘴脸,虽然巴特莱让红桃家族赚了不少钱,但最后也只得到了一张红桃3的身份牌。巴特莱对自己所得的身份很不满。小比利的玩世不恭让他也很难有出头之日。
“他回来了”?巴特莱晃动着手中的酒杯,神情凝重地走到墙边的书柜前,书柜里都是他搜集的古董,其中挂着两把定制的Lehman m1911格外醒目,这两把枪是他心爱之物,他曾欲将两把枪赠送给奥格尔以便拉拢,结果被奥格尔一句“这枪杀不了人”给回绝掉。
巴特莱右手腕纹身是其俱乐部logo,象征着权力,金钱,情色。“timely enjoyment”及时享乐的价值观也随之相应。
Tattoo on Bartley’s right wrist. It was the logo of his clubs, symbolized power, money and sex. “timely enjoyment” was his motto.

The tattoo on his left arm was put on when he was still in the army. He liked that saying:” War needs a woman.” It fitted his identity as a pimp.

胸口纹身 never really left us从(从未真正离开我们)是他怀念那些在战场上失去的战友。
“never really left us”- the tattoo on his chest. To honor his lost friends in battle.
CHAPTER 5: J’s counterattack.
Section 1: The Deterrence Of J
The 3 of Heart - Bartley used to be in the army. He was good at pimping back when he was in the force, introducing all kinds of women to soldiers and low-rank officers. After his discharge, he joined a small road gang. He had a little exotic bar running, which was quite profitable and famous around the locals. That was where he met Billy. With his natural-born eloquence, Bartley talked himself up and earned his chance to work for Billy. Early on Bartley did not stand out, but later, his insight of others and experience as a pimp helped him. The several exotic places that the Heart Family owned were flourished under his watch. He even expanded a few more, opened up two high-end clubs for upper classes. Even though he brought profits and connections for the Heart family, K of Heart never liked his bragging and touting face. Bartley only ranked the 3 of Heart as his ID in the family, which was unsatisfying for him. Yet, Billy’s cynicism did not help Bartley as well.
After Ogier’s arrival, Bartley thought he would be the one to woo. But he was wrong. Ogier had no interest in the sex trade and he did not bought what Bartley sold. Although Ogier did not had much lust for women, but the grudge he hold against Bartley was caused by a woman. Barley almost lost his life during that fight in which Ogier left him a battered face and a mouth full of golden teeth. Bartley resented Ogier yet feared for his status in the family too much to take action.
“So he is back?” Shaking the glass in hand, Bartley walked towards the bookshelf by the wall. It was full of antiques that he had collected. A pair of handmade Lehman m1911 was standing out. They were his favorites. He had given those to Ogier as gift, but he was turned down with just several words - “these can’t kill.”
Barley took out those two guns, admired them in his hand. He said to the man in the room, “He said these can’t kill.”
“He can kill without a gun.” A well-dressed middle-aged man responded with a grin.
“So, what kills ya, Ogier?” Suddenly, Bartely pointed the gun at a huge Rotweiler that was sitting on the ground. The dog roared back at him, as he was trying to answer.
“The 10 of Heart and his ......s won’t stop Ogier this time.” The middle-age man said.
“The golden card can be used only once. Ogier won’t use it in vein. The 10 of Heart will take the opportunity to expand his territory.” Bartley turned to the man and gave him a meaningful look.
“My uncle knew that already. And he had prepared for it. But he is old and has no successor.” That man looked back with a smile on his face.
“Maybe we can get help from Ogier. After all, you are the only nephew of the boss.” Bartley raised his glass for a toast….。

DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Heart 3 Bartley
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国---------红桃3 巴特莱
10.1911冲锋手枪 A款
11.1911冲锋手枪 B款
12.30发弹匣 A款
13.30发弹匣 B款
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom--------Heart 3 Bartley
2.Action bady
3.filler underwear
4.The purple shirt
5.Green tie
6.Red waistcoat
7.Red gold suit
8.Black trousers
9. black belt
10.1911 machine pistol A
11.1911 machine pistol B
12.30-round magazine A款
13.30-round magazineB款
14.15-round magazine
15.cigar(Smoke effects)
17.Cigar pliers
19.A pocket watch
21.Red sunglasses
22.Leather shoes
23.Palm (4)
25.Metal dog chain
26.Leather collar