1/6 Threezero: Halloween VI Michael Myers 1/6th Scale Collectible Figure

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Johnny Utah

I'll take care of the police
CF Supporter
Jul 21, 2007
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Shame it's not from the original film but we can thank producer Malek Akkad for that. Randy over at NECA has said the rights to that are night impossible to reacquire now, so Threezero have optioned to get the license for one of the sequels. I would have preferred H20, at least I'm familiar with that, but hey' it's still a figure of Michael Myers.
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yea, of course we want H1, but hey this is better than nothing, and its a good start !
It's not much to go on... but doesn't really look like the Pt6 mask to me. Still, it could improve and maybe would be a good base figure to buy and then swap in one of the great custom head options.
This is awesome... My favorite movie and mask. Im getting two to have the wilbur and learner looks...



Hmmm... a H1 would have been an instant PO. Now, it's a wait and see for me. Hopefully one day the rights to H1 won't be such a hassle to obtain.
He said "H1" not "HT" I think he means a figure from the first Halloween would be an instant PO, not a figure from Hot Toys.
You're here a while. YOU should know by now HT will never do that.
Where was Hot Toys mentioned? The comments are aimed at Threezero and that hopefully (although unlikely) a Halloween 1 Myers will be made. I'll just wait too see the full reveal for this version and see whether I get it or not.
Definitely be picking this up. But I've officially learned my lesson pre ordering 3Z stuff... unless it's an exclusive, it'll stay in stock forever and eventually be able to be had for less than retail.
He said "H1" not "HT" I think he means a figure from the first Halloween would be an instant PO, not a figure from Hot Toys.
From what I understand that the H1 licence is almost impossible to aquire cause of Akkad. Which is why Tots haven't done H1

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Looks like they have strictly Miramax horror license. H1 apparently is difficult to obtain and H2 is Universal. I'll pick this up to support them and hopefully they branch out to other horror licenses
Looks like they have strictly Miramax horror license. H1 apparently is difficult to obtain and H2 is Universal. I'll pick this up to support them and hopefully they branch out to other horror licenses

They could do H20 as well... But doubt anyone would wnat that H8(Resurrection) ape mask lol...
I don't care if this is H6, H1 or H55...im picking this up because i always wanted a 1/6th Scale Myers!