Plus there’s also the possibility that we have to be very selective on which figures that we want to purchase (unless if there’s anyone that wants to live off Ramen and screw up your physical health with clogged blood vessels, very high cholesterol levels, very shortened life expectancy...
That's the right one @weisun79 and there's another one with the address that I still can't find. I might go in the FB page and dig more details, but Fletcher's Insta page is private.
I haven’t see any other notable issues with WW 100 in particular or the other Joker yet. Hopefully that HT has switched over to other better alternatives.
For those that ordered the Artisan version, we've seen reports that the rooted hair on the Joker is flaking off possibly due to the type of glue being used. Don't know if this will be a concern for the rest of the Artisan line, however who is definitely going to very concerned?
Hmm.. Speaking of Klingons here.
From the episode Blood Oath: Kang, Kor and Koth (aged from the TOS series). 3 pack will most likely be $900 USD if Nanjin decides to make them.
Maybe Kahless (Cloned) and his famous Bat’leth?
Edit: Grown up and matured Alex (Worf’s son) who also had a cameo...
Hopefully that the wait shouldn't be that too long. So we're still missing Jadzia (fourth and final revision?), Weyoun, Worf, Garak, Chief O'Brian (and maybe Ezri?) for now.
There’s a very high possibility that either Monkey Depot or Toy Anxiety will part out Miles’ Coat out when they have the time to break stuff down (or some of the shops on Fleabay). It’s not the correct version one, however it still can be used if you’re still willing to give it go.