As a seller I ask for goods and services on the basis I am insuring for the full amount. Trouble is buyers often don't want to pay import tax and want things marked down in value (which then means you can't insure for full value). If the buyer insists then I ask for payment as friends and family...
No she is still gone. This reads to me that she had an agreement to stand down by the end of the year and prep a successor only that she wasn't doing what she agreed to. Someone higher up in Disney told the trades that she would be gone by the end of the year to force her hand. As it came from...
Disney have blatantly told the trades that Kennedy is going by the end of the year. They don't report something without a credible source, normally a studio asking them to make something public. Disney have wanted her to go for a while but she is unfirable and keeps clinging on. The rebuttal to...
I can hear the ewoks singing yub yub. Statues of Darth Kennedy are being pulled down. Wessa free!
Until somehow Kennedy returns or her she appoints her apprentice.
I wonder who leaked this story to the trades. Did that come from Kennedy's camp or did Disney decide for her that she was leaving...
Modern times bond doesn't work. Cinema audiences are too global now and for that reason the stories won't actual revolve around real conflicts like US v China or Europe v Russia etc. Too much money supposedly left on the table by alienating an audience. That's why it's better to set in the past...
Dalton and Connery are my favourite Bond actors. I wish Dalton had been bond in Goldeneye and Connery in OHMSS. If OHMSS had come before you only live twice and the two films edited accordingly then that would have been one hell of a run (connery does not return for diamonds are forever and...
This game was epic. Very fun and I loved the mulitplayer where you could set bots up of classic bond allies and villains and adjust their skill level individually. For me, this is the only semi worthy successor to Goldeneye.
I'm very excited by this news and also ready for disappointment haha...
I just want the original series cast (main 7) and the main trio in monster maroons. I'm up for a gorn and some other villains but sadly we are years into Exo6 and none of my want list has been touched (I've had to scale back my initial want list due to space so am being very selective). EXO6 is...
I like the suits... except reeds which is missing the white collar or accent pieces like the others. Keep them uniform gah.
The Thing looks awesome and hopefully his voice grows on me. Other than Pedro the casting looks good (yes Johnny could do with a better hair style).
The visuals look good. I like Jonathan Bailey as an actor and his character looks interesting. ScarJo is generic girl boss (she has more range than this so hopefully the character is more nuanced).
The premise is awful and very video game like.... we need dna from the three biggest and most...