Be aware, the plastic HT used for the armor in both his sleeves, is very thin. Was reposing and had it snap. The fact that it has a pretty strong ratcheted elbow joint doesn't help. Basically don't put your finger on the top and bottom of the sleeve when bending the arm, so it looks like the...
This is a direct result of the Tony Stank debacle. The community was (justifiably) outraged. We were shown one sculpt and given another. And some went after the artist. HT had to recall the figure. Which had only happened 2 other times (John Connor with unfinished paint and the leaky abs on...
Opening this box is a real event. They give you so much, you really get your moneys worth. The sturdy box cover which becomes the backdrop feels very premium, not like the thin cardboard backdrops HT does. It feels like a DX set. I would hold LIM Toys right next to HT and InArt in terms of the...
Yea they should really give us this jacket. Its a unique prop we can't just pick up somewhere else. This is what we should be complaining about- forget the eyes. :rotfl
Its really outrageous that they took metal swords away. First Deadpool now Jack. And an Artisan, their most premium product. But we still gotta hunt down accessories from a 13 year old figure.
This has to be the most low effort Artisan they've done yet. They just took the old figure, sprinkled some black paint over it, and plunked the new sculpt on it. And then they took away the larger base and the life size Moon-arang (which was just Styrofoam to begin with, but No, you can't have...