I just went through 15+ pages in the Bane thread, and while I saw tons of pictures of the figure, not a single one had the shoulders raised higher than a 45 degree angle directly to the side. My guess is that pushing the shoulders higher than that, or rotating them forwards/backwards, causes the...
It makes sense to have something for pressure, I guess, at high altitude. It's just a little generic-looking, I think. I'll see how much he uses it in the film, but ultimately I think it would be criminal not to use that incredible Anthony Mackie sculpt anyway.
A couple of those shots with the...
You're not wrong... especially those 2 daylight stills. It wasn't as noticeable on the costume itself.
FWIW, the pink/purple color is only super noticeable in photos (I didn't see it at all until I snapped a picture of the figure and looked at it on the screen). Under normal lighting, with...
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if it's discolored, or just the way they did it. It sort of looks like the color is different in the promo pics too. It's not screen-accurate, but it may be accurate to what they advertised...
Yeah it's not terrible in person, and from certain angles/from a distance... but it's not super strong, either. I almost see too much Zoe Saldana in there sometimes.
Ghost arrived today. She's about what I expected. Honestly fairly accurate to the suit on screen, even if it is third party quality. I'm not sure I'd need a $300 HT figure of Ghost in this costume, so third party works for me, for what is ultimately a back row character.
Mine did arrive with...
I wonder if they looked at this costume and said "Oh look, it's just a few plastic-cast parts over some incredibly basic clothing. That will be way cheaper to produce than the S1 look with all its patterns and multi-cloth tailoring required."
I am so surprised to see such a warm reception for a suit that everyone dunked on for so long. Awesome to see people get a chance to add it to their shelves if they're into it.
I can't get behind this suit, though XD. With those armpit-to-crotch lines, this is all I ever think of when I see...
Given the sheer variety of human proportions from person to person, I'd be very curious to hear what a "female shaped head" is supposed to look like, and why this one doesn't qualify.
No, but since the plan was to have it on the shelves at the parks for D23, they definitely made and shipped this product well in advance. We may be used to pre-ordering and waiting 1-2 years for a figure, but the average shopper on Disney.com sure isn't. I thought it felt pretty clear that this...