Sweet. I like the animated headsculpt and realistic headsculpt. Reading the details on the Sideshow page, swap-out hands are also included that match the differing blue on the two headsculpts.
Now where's that Red 5 Luke?? :impatient:
I didn't buy either, but I was thinking about picking up the sculpted version. I probably missed the opportunity to get it at a somewhat reasonable price as I can see its value climbing in wake of the rooted hair falling out on the Artisan version. Fingers crossed it's not every single one and...
That is awesome :love: I checked out his Etsy store and he has lots of cool things that complement 1/6 figures well. I especially like his Back to the Future tombstones.
It is interesting that they're going with the Spino for the headliner dinosaur, and not a T-Rex or Velociraptor like it usually is. The Spinos must have considerable screentime and play a significant role in Rebirth.
Haha but at least they're sharp! Better than the oversized, round teeth they've been using on dinos lately.
Here are some more toys pics from the same event. The Titanosaurus figure looks awesome!