In the days before the internet, that was a very important episode for 11-year-old me.
On a related note, going back and rewatching TNG season 1 while listening to the Newbie Star Trek podcast made me realize just how full of sex TNG season 1 was. Everyone was banging on that ship, all the...
I watched Born Again, and I have some thoughts.
A good start. I like where everyone has been positioned, so far. I know we'll be seeing Punisher soon, and that makes me happy. The fight with Bullseye was fantastic, suitably brutal. And his characterization is perfect.
I hope we see Daredevil in...
No, but few do. Though I will say, after meeting her face to face last week on the cruise, she is a VERY attractive young lady. That uniform just isn't nearly as flattering.
You mean the character or the actress? Cause I'm kinda loving how the actress is doing it.
As for the hair, my wife was saying she thinks they should just let her natural hair come in more instead of teasing it out like they have, because she believes Gooding's natural hair is pretty close to...
I'm not getting EVERY one, but I'm getting most of them.
I just got hired on for a second (and possibly 3rd) position at another university, so I'm okay for money... for now.
What I've cut back is basically everything except Exo figures. No more Hot Toys, no more 3Zero, nothing but Trek. It has...
Anyway, did anyone see the cast promo photos for SNW season 3? Uhura's rocking the long hair now. Celia Gooding says they're going to keep moving her gradually towards the classic Uhura look, but she's not sure she can rock the same hairdo.
When i saw these, I joked to my wife that I bet they'll give Rachel Garrett a seperate, shanked head sculpt.
And they did! I was shocked, but pleasantly so.
Anyone here have an order that was supposed to arrive at the LA port by the 2nd week of February? Their shipping site hasn't been updated since Feb 20th, and it still says "Estimated arrival at LA Port 2d week of February (Transit delay)". I've emailed them about it, but no reply yet.
I'm gonna have to politely disagree with you there. Yeah, kids are more wrapped up in video games than legacy media, but as far as franchises go Star Wars is still a money-maker. Even stuff generally regarded negatively, like The Acolyte, which had the second-highest Disney+ viewership of 2024...
Being good and being profitable are two very different things (See: The Thing).
And 20 years from now, you'll probably be the middle-aged man grousing about how the ST are still trash while young adults in their 20's and 30's talk about what fond memories they have of the ST. And I'll be the old...