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  1. Draqkerrr

    Prime 1 - AvP: Requim Wolf Predator

    Great representation of the Wolf, there are 2 interchangeable left arms?
  2. Draqkerrr

    Sixthscale Collection

    Very nice presentation, very clean. What brand is your Leon please?
  3. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys - MMS 795 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day: T-800 (2.0) Galleria Version 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

    All the people who buy the DX10 glasses, aren't you afraid that they might not be compatible with the MMS795?
  4. Draqkerrr

    Draqkerrr’s collection

    Thank you very much my friend :)
  5. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    Great job! Hot toys should be inspired by you! I don't think I've seen his trophy strap so accurate than you made.
  6. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    Oh man, this scupted head destroys MMS173 every day, you can congratulate your friend, will he market his work?
  7. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys The Dark Knight Joker DX33-Artisan/Sculpted 1/6 Scale Figure

    I just looked at mine and for now, it seems to be fine. No trace of orange glue, a slight demarcation more visible on the right part of the HS but which was already visible in November when it was received.
  8. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    All artists' work is worth seeing, but for GKH’s mask, I find the forehead to be too prominent and the line above the eyes is weird, it's too rounded.
  9. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    No agree at all… he does a remarkable job but not precise enough for me, Dave Apro is better, by far!
  10. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    superb! but I have to admit that the best bio mask is the one from Dave Apro..
  11. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    your custom with the classic body is really good, as well as your photoshops. For JH 2.0, Hot toys is lazy, and they must be smart. In the right way. If they use the MMS233 sculpt, reworked, it can be good.
  12. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    thats is a good work, do you use a MMS90's head ? I've always found that the MMS90 armor on Classic Predator MMS162 is pretty good.
  13. Draqkerrr

    Hot Toys - MMS 795 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day: T-800 (2.0) Galleria Version 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

    man, that's funny, i was in Egypt last month. it was pretty awesome! ——- no matter, i'm gonna get this figure, i never got the early versions. i point out that a-dev made some awesome modifications! He knows Schwarzenegger!!