Hey there. I’m only about 1.5 hours away in Kansas City and that might be your best bet. There is a store here called Brothers and they are very fair and will buy pretty much everything you described.
It’s probably worth the 3-4 hour round trip.
I’m really happy to see this. I love Vietnam era figures and I’m pleased that Ujindou is moving towards offering seamless options. I generally agree with the above that their tailoring is good and with some tweaking and weathering, they come out nice.
I did this with the first MACV release and...
I’m a hardcore Bond fan and one thing that rings true is the following: James Bond is in no way, shape, or form a code name. It’s his literal name. 007 is, however, a mere call sign. Even as a kid, I always saw Bond as basically the first meta-multiverse; it’s the same character but in different...
Girls? Unlikely. I don’t see enough of a market and since most every Bond actress never headlined a large/adjacent blockbuster property (except maybe Halle Barry and DAD is out of the question), I just don’t see many sales justifying it, especially since the costumes are basically dresses...
Obviously a big “if”…but I do think HT is savvy enough to try and wow us with the first offering. I doubt a tux’d Bond will be their first offering.
The NTTD Bond look certainly has recency bias working for it, but unless he’s loaded with accessories and REALLY well done, I don’t see it being...
Hot Toys - and frankly most 1/6 companies - will capitalize on the nostalgia factor, especially with GenX/Xennials/elder millennials being the principal buyers of their figures. This is why I remain cautiously optimistic that we might get some Goldeneye figures as one the big, early splashes for...