Thank you so much! I used a Phicen M32 Body with a custom made suit. I took the feet and switched them for one of the blank Hot Toys' style body feet to get toe articulation. The hands are from a Hot Toys What-If Spidey and I got the headsculpt unpainted off eBay
Howdy! I wanted to share my Classic 1/6 Spider but wasn’t sure if to post here or make a new thread. Been wanting for a Classic Spidey, but the Hot Toys CMS015 Comic one didn’t grab me all the way. I loved the New Red & Blue Suit figure, but I wanted something very comic booky from my era so I...
Hey everyone! I'm a custom figure maker in the 1/12 scene but I've been starting to collect 1/6 scale (and loving it!). And so far it's been primarily Spider-Man. I love collecting and customizing figures, and you can find my work on Instagram @fettimagnolia. Nice to meet everyone!