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  1. fettimagnolia

    WTB Hot Toys Advanced Suit 2.0 Head Sculpt or Black Suit Special Edition Head

    Please let me know if you have one you're willing to part with, thank you! Got a loose Spidey body, but it comes with no head.
  2. fettimagnolia

    1/6 Custom Marvel Figures

    Thank you so much! I used a Phicen M32 Body with a custom made suit. I took the feet and switched them for one of the blank Hot Toys' style body feet to get toe articulation. The hands are from a Hot Toys What-If Spidey and I got the headsculpt unpainted off eBay
  3. fettimagnolia

    1/6 Custom Marvel Figures

    Howdy! I wanted to share my Classic 1/6 Spider but wasn’t sure if to post here or make a new thread. Been wanting for a Classic Spidey, but the Hot Toys CMS015 Comic one didn’t grab me all the way. I loved the New Red & Blue Suit figure, but I wanted something very comic booky from my era so I...
  4. fettimagnolia

    Howdy! - Fetti

    Hey everyone! I'm a custom figure maker in the 1/12 scene but I've been starting to collect 1/6 scale (and loving it!). And so far it's been primarily Spider-Man. I love collecting and customizing figures, and you can find my work on Instagram @fettimagnolia. Nice to meet everyone!