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  1. G

    The Batman (2022) 1/6 Customs / Parts / Modifcations

    To those of you who ordered the OSK cape - has any of color rubbed off onto your figure? I might be irrationally worried about that, but mine arrived recently and I'm taken aback by the quality. It smells absolutely horrific - like the inside of a paint can - and I'm letting it air out before...
  2. G

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    So odd that it's an alphabetical keyboard. Who does that?!
  3. G

    1/6 The Batman ‘the drifter’ discussion thread

    Nice! Does the reissue come with the inart adapter? The post doesn't say.
  4. G

    The Batman (2022) 1/6 Customs / Parts / Modifcations

    Let me know if you hear from him. I'd love to get some of his work.
  5. G

    The Batman (2022) 1/6 Customs / Parts / Modifcations

    Is it breaking forum rules to ask how to get an Unreal headsculpt for this? I messaged the instagram account a while ago, but no response.
  6. G

    InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

    Looks awesome! Is that a custom Superman cape?
  7. G

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    Man, that belt really is a pain to fuss with, isn't it? I can't seem to get it to look good, and am definitly worried that the hip pack straps will damage the suit. What did you all end up doing with the excess tightening strap in the back? I have about good inch and a half I need to hide.
  8. G

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS729/729B - John Wick Chapter 4: John Wick

    Bummer about that "snow" that is showing up. I wonder if they tried to glue the lapels down, and the residue is now flaking. The suit sure does wrinkle something fierce, doesn't it? I did some very very light posing - simply bending his arms at 90 - and boy do lines and creases show up. It...
  9. G

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    In an effort to calm nerves...mine arrived this week (I did post a bit ago) and was both impressed with the quild quality and stitching, while also very puzzled by some of the choices inart made. The neckpiece being dusty/muddy while the rest is clean is stupid. And the cape is complete trash...
  10. G

    InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

    How long did it take, from order to arrival? My Superman arrived today! I haven't messed with it too much, but first impression is 1) he definitely needs a new cape that fits the pegs better 2) the sewing on his wrist seems to be coming undone. Anyone else have this issue?
  11. G

    InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

    Mine arrived today! How THE F do you get the base open? EDIT: Finally! Wow that took forever. And my neckpiece seems to have quite a bit of brown mud/dust on it. It's odd. It's like they wanted to go with a dirty look, but the rest of his helmet/facemask is clean black. Are they all like that?
  12. G

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS729/729B - John Wick Chapter 4: John Wick

    I'm not sure what you can do to remove it. I had the exact same issue with mine, so I know what you're talking about. The lapels had an odd white reside/powder, that continued to flake down across the rest of the suit while posing. I contacted Sideshow and will be shipped a replacement.
  13. G

    1/6 Hot Toys - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Peter Parker (Superior Suit) Figure

    I can't wait for mine to ship. I love the Superior Spider-Man storyline and always loved the suit.
  14. G

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS - Avengers: Infinity War - War Machine Mark 4

    I'm not trying to needlessly revive an old thread, but how has this figure held up over the years? Any chance this will get a 2.0 reissue anytime soon?