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  1. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Totally get that. Inused to buy everything star wars that was released. Can’t donthat any more. I have decided to be picky
  2. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Rumor is that 5k refund is slated for 2028. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. Several of the folks who took the fork in the road were recently told they no longer qualify, and were “let Go” immediately without severance. Dude never pays his bills.
  3. lerath666

    THREEZERO - Transformers - General Discussion Thread

    i just want to see them keep going with the "G1" reimagined MDLX line. Always wanted excellent bot modes in roughly that scale.
  4. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    You underestimate the level of gripes. Or over-estimate their ability to handle criticism. Either-or.
  5. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    so what's the deal with NEW faker? is he a timed release? made to order?
  6. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 ThunderCats

    Figure goes up for order tomorrow.
  7. lerath666

    Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)

    cool on the shipping notices. i suspect that means waitlist conversions are just around the corner
  8. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Scare glow deluxe and Scare Mare go up tomorrow.
  9. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Both are gonna go up as timed exclusives, at the same time
  10. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Scare glow and scare mare expected in the next week or so.
  11. lerath666

    Hot Toys Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars)

    went to order this today only to find out he's waitlisted. whomp whomp
  12. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    LOVE that the bones are sculpted this time
  13. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    Very Cool. I'm debating selling my " classic look" version they made a while back and just getting this version of scare glow.
  14. lerath666

    Mondo 1/6 Scale He-man and The Masters of the Universe figures

    just got a shipping notification on Orko.