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  1. Marine Boy

    1/6 DID MA80182 US Navy Fighter F-14 Pilot – Tom & Nick (Iceman/Goose - Top Gun)

    I ordered a few of these clothing sets to accompany the pilots. Should get them in a week or so.
  2. Marine Boy

    Blitzway: Back to the Future

    One improvement i can already see, is the groove on the wheel spokes. The HT one misses them, but oddly has them on the spare under the hood. HT are a strange lot. Another possible upgrade would be to have it big enough to actually seat figures inside.
  3. Marine Boy

    Sly Stallone Shop 1/6 Rocky IV - Rocky Balboa

    The 2nd head looks good. I just hope the boots are fabric. The moulded HT ones force the figure into a standing pose, as there was no poseability in the ankles.
  4. Marine Boy

    1/6 Scale Aliens APC (scratchbuild)

    Fitting the seats. I had to make them slightly bigger, so placing figures would be a lot easier. The interior set of the APC exceeded the dimensions of the actual vehicle, so it was always going to be a compromise.
  5. Marine Boy

    Hot Toys - Batman Returns 1/6th scale Batmissile Collectible Vehicle

    Anyone who bought the Jazz Inc 89 Batmobile to replace their old HT 89, could take a hacksaw to it.
  6. Marine Boy

    1/6 DID MA80182 US Navy Fighter F-14 Pilot – Tom & Nick (Iceman/Goose - Top Gun)

    Why not just make individual releases for each character? If you just wanted Maverick in flight gear, you have to buy this set as well as the Pete set and end up with leftover Ice and Goose heads and helmets.
  7. Marine Boy

    1/6 Scale Aliens APC (scratchbuild)

    I added folding armrests to both seats. The armrests are connected to brass tubes with a screw passing through the middle. Slots in the backrest provide the stops. Making the passenger seats. There's 12 of these, so it's taking a while.
  8. Marine Boy

    HCG - Hicks (Aliens) 1:4 Scale Statue

    Poor likeness aside, the abdominal / crotch armor panel is far too big, making his torso look too long.
  9. Marine Boy

    1/6 Scale Aliens APC (scratchbuild)

    Making the command seat. I made 2, as the driver's seat is the same.
  10. Marine Boy

    Asmus Toys: Escape From New York Snake Plissken

    I went with the sculpted hair. Nothing against rooted, but i will wait for the in hand pics of the rooted hair version. Count me in for an L.A. version if they decide to do one.
  11. Marine Boy

    Kitbash 1/6 Colonial Marines

    Absolutely Bad *****! Would love to get more Marines, to fill up my APC . Were you able to source all the gear loose? or is it made? It's very rare to see Aliens stuff parted out.
  12. Marine Boy

    Asmus Toys: Escape From New York Snake Plissken

    Looks a lot better than the old Sideshow one. I just hope they fix the zippers on the vest. Someone pointed that out earlier.
  13. Marine Boy

    1/6 Scale Aliens APC (scratchbuild)

    Most of the console done. All the detailed areas, such as the controls and overhead equipment will be done later.