Recent content by roninjai

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  1. roninjai

    Hot Toys Ultimate Marvel Project

    Bombshell Nebula:LOL:
  2. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Mine showed up today. I've been watching tracking and it's been stuck in Ohio for three days "waiting to be transferred to carrier", and then just showed up this afternoon. Moving on instructions with mine either. Did it come with a magnet? Or is something I'm supposed to have...
  3. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Aren't there some production pictures out there with the Isaac sculpt on the MK body? Swore I saw some.
  4. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Mine shipped today from Giantoy.
  5. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    I'm probably going do that or some combo of that with the white hoodie from later in the series. Either way, the Marc will go front and center and be flanked by Mr. Knight and Moon Knight. Can't wait.
  6. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Same. Just paid mine this morning. Now the quest begins to find the right "Marc Spector" outfit.
  7. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Man, I can't wait for this to come out. I haven't added a new figure to my collection in a long time.
  8. roninjai

    Hot Toys Moon Knight

    That looks really good, @ninjadriveby. What's the rock from?
  9. roninjai

    All things Marvel Legends/Marvel Select/Marvel Universe

    Those are outstanding, good gravy.
  10. roninjai

    JazzInc - Iron Scavenger Sixth Scale Figure

    I don't think you can go wrong with either one, based on what your needs are. I wanted the Keaton HS, and am somewhat limited on space. In that regard I'm perfectly happy with it. If I didn't have those needs, I'd be perfectly happy with the Jazz one. It's good to have options.
  11. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Yeah. They probably should have announced them AS they were shipping Gentlemoon. Like hey guys, GM will start shipping on Monday, meanwhile, here's what's next.
  12. roninjai

    The Marvels (2023) - AF/S Speculation

    Took my 14 yr old daughter to see it tonight. She said it was in her top-5 Marvel movies. I enjoyed it too. Definitely would like to see the 3/4 sleeved CM suit get made, I'd add that to my collection.
  13. roninjai

    1/6 Present Toys PT-72/PT-73/PT-74 Mutant Man M (Magneto)

    I wouldn't mind them selling that chair separate, either.
  14. roninjai

    1/6 SooSoo SST-060 Vampire Hunter (Blade)

    Watched Blade last night. Ordered this this morning.
  15. roninjai

    SooSoo - The Gentlemoon (Mr Knight - Moon Knight)

    Hoping with the rash of releases recently amid the silence that this will actually get shipped.