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  1. ScoutingForToys

    Alien: Earth | Hulu 2025

    None of the marketing for this show has piqued my interest at all.
  2. ScoutingForToys

    Star Wars: Andor (April 22, 2025)

    As I grew increasingly disillusioned with Star Wars and found I was losing any affection I had for it, even the OT, I had planned to watch Andor season 2 as the last bit of Star Wars. My personal Star Wars would be the OT, Rogue One and Andor. Maybe Mando season 1 and 2. So I had expected to be...
  3. ScoutingForToys

    Alien: Earth | Hulu 2025
  4. ScoutingForToys

    Kathleen Kennedy might not be retiring this year after all

    Yep, old KK will just be swapped with Filoni the hack.
  5. ScoutingForToys

    Kathleen Kennedy might not be retiring this year after all

    Too late. Too much damage done. I'll never go back to Star Wars.
  6. ScoutingForToys

    007 franchise sold to Amazon including creative control

    Daniel Craig is dead last in my favourite Bond list.
  7. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    If they're going for quill mohawks on the Raptors they should stop being cowàrds and do full on feathered Velociraptors. In fact they should be turkey sized too. If they want bigger, they could use Deinonychus or Utahraptor. Also covered in glorious feathers. Instead of doing dumb mutant ****...
  8. ScoutingForToys

    Hot Toys Predator: Jungle Hunter 2.0

    I don't have much faith in HT to do a proper accurate JH 2.0 on a new body. I'm fully expecting a lazy "classic" reissue with extras and a crappy, not at all accurate mask, on an overly busy base. Basically the prototype they were showing around previously. I'd love them to do it justice, a...
  9. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    Yeah they're jumping the shark already might as well do even more dumb straight to TV B-movie crap. Human/dino hybrids are only slightly goofier than 4 armed mutant dinosaurs.
  10. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    As I recall, at the time Crichton was researching for the book in the 80's, there was debate around the relation between Deinonychus and Velociraptor, whether they were truly separate species etc. I think I'm in saying that the dinosaurs in JP1 are Deinonychus but yes, I'm pretty sure you're...
  11. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    Yes, totally agree with this. So much of the Jurassic fandom seem to only care about what dinosaurs are in the movie, how much cool stuff they do, how many they kill etc etc. They cream themselves with excitement because whateverwhocaresasaurus is in it. The series has devolved into monster...
  12. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    I'm sure people will argue that the Jurassic Park movies have always been B movies but this multi armed mutant nonsense firmly puts this movie in the cheesy B movie category. A cheesy B movie with a big budget but essentially the same as those garbage straight to TV movies you'd find on the...
  13. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    They just couldn't resist using cringey dialogue and silly 4 armed mutant creatures. This will be more like JP1 and 2 rather than the JW movies? ********.
  14. ScoutingForToys

    Jurassic World Rebirth (2025)

    That looked ******* terrible. Can we have 1 more good Jurassic movie before I die? The good ones in the 90's were a long time ago.
  15. ScoutingForToys

    Hot Toys MMS774: Terminator 2: Judgment Day: T-1000 2.0

    I'd love either look for T1 T800 2.0s but the police station assault scene is so good, I'd particularly like the Terminator in the outfit from that. I've been tempted to get the original releases, they seem to have held up fairly well, but I'm cautious about tracking them down. HT could surprise...