Sorry to hear you’re having quite the time taming his hair. I assume that isn’t the experience InArt wants their customers to have. Would this be considered a defect? Could you theoretically ask for a replacement head or something? If a case can be made for a paint mishap, I feel like one can be...
Eh I don’t think so. InArt kinda pulled the dick move. This person is just seeing and filling a need. You’d be stupid not to charge money for it. If you’re good at something never do it for free.
Same. He was the least interesting part imo...I like how he starts off with this whole badass monologue about being fear and the shadows and whatnot then walks into street light clearly wearing tactical gear from army surplus and an Adam West black variant cowl and completely negates everything...
some things are an improvement…but I’ll wait for IA. Why does HT keep forgetting his entire suit was well defined, not just his abs? Is that an impossible thing to achieve?