I totally agree there. Too many figures and I’m also scaling back. I’m more of an OT guy and am concentrating on those (very few) releases.
That being said, I still want the most iconic prequel figures - one shelf per move. And for me TPM is Maul, Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and OOM-9.
Looks to me like they are sticking strictly to standard height humanoid figures, presumably to minimise costs. Thus no Hammerhead, Snaggletooth or Gammy.
Wow. I didn't notice those background figures!
The first wave look pretty good, and I'm torn on how deep to go.
I'm definitely in for the 2 kenner originals, and definitely not in for Labria.
Very much torn on Evazan and Garindan.
Very excited about the ROTJ teases too.