I wonder, pardon the pun, how much this is going to be if they use the same silicon skin for the body like their QS WW bust?
Hope InArt can get the face right, so it looks like GG 100%. Hot Toys imo, have not gotten it right throughout their entire GG WW releases.
I don't understand why it's hard for quality figure/statue manufactures to obtain a RE licence from CAPCOM?
It's getting a bit much with all this 3rd party RE figures. I get there's lots of options but it's like they're half hearted attempts. The only good ones are the ones from Damtoys, Prime...
I'm trying to decode this from the product listing:
- Wearing a beret can move the eye sculpture: 1
Why wearing a Beret make the eyes move? Huh?
Do the eyes move?
1/6 manufacturers like InArt or JND should be making RE figures. They would pricey but highly realistic and CAPCOM be more forthcoming with their IP and licensing. Not like what they're doing with DamToys and be difficult.
Glad you like them. Still learning.
I'm still on a i7 4790K, GTX 1080Ti and 16GB DDR3 RAM. I set render time to 16200 seconds and comes nowhere close finishing the Iterations.