Recent content by ThorRagnarok

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  1. ThorRagnarok

    InArt Daenerys

    I think this is the most likely outfit
  2. ThorRagnarok

    InArt Daenerys

    this is great news, the Winterfell outfit was her worst imo
  3. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    Good to know thanks!
  4. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    Did your figures hair come like that?
  5. ThorRagnarok

    1/6 Hot Toys - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Winter Soldier 2.0

    big yikes lol, this does not look good
  6. ThorRagnarok

    Hot Toys: Thor - Thor Love and Thunder 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

    i was under the impression the TLAT sculpt was new
  7. ThorRagnarok

    1/6 Hot Toys - Batman v Superman - Batman (2.0) Collectible Figure

    apart from the Afleck HS, no point upgrading from my 1.0
  8. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    Straight out of the box. Bad photo and angle, but super happy with the rooted hair
  9. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    received my figure, thankfully it is the deluxe and not sculpted. Opening as I type
  10. ThorRagnarok

    InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

    absolutely no chance
  11. ThorRagnarok

    Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

    think this just shows Daenerys is dead in the water
  12. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    mine has cleared customs - looking forward to it!
  13. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    better than Gandalf for sure
  14. ThorRagnarok

    InArt - Dune: Paul Atreides

    agree with points above, i'm more than happy with this version, but find it quite funny how this is shipping early when others are yet to receive their older figures.