Recieved mines from Sideshow today, great looking figure, still need to do a little bit of futzing on the hair to get it looking right. Put together a little dio for him as both sculpts deserve to be displayed together.
I picked up the web exclusive versions of both Bela and Nosferatu and the dio peices on those are excellent quality and made almost entirely from polystone, the Nosferatu door is so heavy I'd be nervous having it on a detolf shelf. Probably go for the web exclusive on this unless the price is...
Headsculpt looks incredible and the hairline in that vid looks pretty spot on, looks a little high and thin in some of the other pics floating around so far. Only real nitpick for me is the jacket, it looks brand new, the jacket in the movie was already pretty beat up from the moment he put's it...
That headsculpt is unbelievable! If the Nosferatu figure is anything to go by the work on the hands will be just as great. Only nitpick is I feel he should be a little more boxy/wider in the shoulders to match the screen look, He looked almost pin headed in the film.
Nothing a little bit of...
The 1:8 is an old kit from geene models I purchased from an artist based here in the UK, he had to do quite a bit of repainting and repair work to it as it was damaged in shipping when he originally received it, you wouldn't know it to look at her now though. She's a pretty big girl, best part...
If you've got the space to display it, the iron studios wins it for me, get the right lighting on it and it's like a movie still. I have it alongside a 1:8 rex which is quite similar to the ECC and whilst the paint and details are far superior on that compared to the iron studios, the dynamic...
Looks good, but I would have loved to see a closed mouth sculpt with Rexy looking him over when she first knocks over the outhouse. Every Rexy piece we've seen so far has the same style of sculpt so if you've already got one of the others there's not much point with this one.
I've moved on the vast majority of my 1:6 to stick to 1:4 and larger pieces so any of these figures would be grails for me.
Top 5 would be in no particular order:
T1 Tech Noir
T1 Police Station
Iron Man MkVI with a full Tony Headsculpt please!
Darth Maul
89' Joker & Bats
OG Jungle Hunter...
Picked up a second loose 1:4 scale for a Kills custom and put together a diorama base to match, flame effects work quite well even at the larger scale. Might have to get a third for Ends now lol.
Did a little work on both my 18'' Neca figures, the '78 doesn't get a lot of love but with a little repaint and rooted hair it's a good alternative to the PCS statue for a fraction of the cost. I put together a dio base and quite happy with how it's turned out.
The 2018 has also had a repaint...
Can't say for certain without knowing who you got it from but it looks like one of a few different bases I made for myself and then sold on Ebay between 2020/2021. Made them in 1:6 and Neca scale, kept a couple for myself and sold the others. Set up a little facebook page but never really went...
Those repaints are unreal, you could be forgiven for thinking those are full size masks. I don't know if both of the new H2 head's are the same sculpt underneath but I've always felt the face on the blood tears had more of the H1 facial features, the eyes aren't quite as stretched out as the...