Yeah, you don't have to go two-pack if you don't like one of the looks. I'm sure Joost will do his best to tempt you to buy both though, that's the game.
For me, Ivy is definitely a character that I would prefer to have only one look on the shelf. The Spring outfit is definitely for me...
Anyway, swinging this conversation back to Poison Ivy... I'm eager for the next update. I know JazzInc is busy with Catwoman and Penguin, but hoping there's some movement on Ivy now that Freeze is out of the way.
Some solid Blade Runner figures would be very intriguing. I'm not sure how deep I'd go at $300+ per figure. Deckard and finally a really great Roy would be awesome. I think I'd even want Pris... but beyond that probably nothing. That's the shelf for me: Deckard, Roy, Pris
I don't collect...