Most Famous Person You’ve Actually Seen/Met in the Flesh

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It's from the movie "Thriller – A Cruel Picture" ?
Yup, I met Christina at a sci-fi/horror convention many years ago in my home town and she was actually the one who recommended I should see the movie. I'd never even heard of it before. Needless to say I did purchase it right on the spot and it still remains the only "blind-buy" in my entire collection. She also signed the Dvd cover for me...
There's been a few, to varying degrees of fame.
My favorite was meeting Jake The Snake Roberts. Chatted him up at NYCC, then was shocked later on that evening to see him plug my book and follow me on Instagram.
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I've met a LOT of celebrities at conventions and stuff over the years. Rarely have I accidentally come across any. The only other time I can think of was at a concert, where I passed by the band Lit and they wanted a photo with me because of my shirt (see below)
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Cool picture with Jake Roberts and congratulations on the book!
Been holding on to this one….

Ronald Wilson Reagan!


He came to a campaign event just outside my hometown. We were only a few feet from the lectern! Will never forget it! Frank Sinatra was scheduled to warm up the crowd and introduce him, but a last minute change in his itinerary scratched that. Oh well, The Gipper was more than enough for that day!
I go to comic cons quite frequently so I meet a lot of celebrities, but probably the most famous people ive met are

Ben Affleck
Chris Evans
Haley Atwell
Ewan McGreggor
David Tennant
Oscar Isaac
Christopher Lloyd
Michael J Fox
Elijah Wood
Sean Astin
Pom Klementief
Evangaline Lilly
Jensen Ackles
In terms of religious or political figures, the Archbishop of Canterbury walked past me. He was with the Bishop of Norwich, he was in full regalia while the Arch wasn't. Wasn't till I saw the news that I realised who I'd seen, I just thought he was an aide. I did also see former Prime Minister John Major when he was on his final campaign trail. I was walking through the city, saw a crowd and then heard a familiar voice over a PA.
Met the late and unbelievably great NEAL ADAMS at a convention and he autographed an artbook I bought from em'! He even was befuddled by unique name too! My secondary encounter is meeting Lloyd Kaufman of TROMA fame and him gifting me a button pin from his suit.

Toxic Avenger 4 still blows chunks though.
I’ll be meeting Rosario Dawson, George Takei, and Antony Starr and a bunch of others at a con soon.

My wife and I paid for a VIP pass which gets us autographs from all celebrities in attendance and a photo opp with one of them (of our choosing, probably Rosario).
I’ll be meeting Rosario Dawson, George Takei, and Antony Starr and a bunch of others at a con soon.

My wife and I paid for a VIP pass which gets us autographs from all celebrities in attendance and a photo opp with one of them (of our choosing, probably Rosario).