1/6 DID D80176 WWII German Panzer Commander – Max Wünsche

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Mar 13, 2010
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1 hour ago
From iPhone client



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Brief Introduction​

During World War II, the German panzers demonstrated outstanding combat capabilities, achieving significant victories in battles such as those in Poland, France, and North Africa. Despite being on the strategic defensive later in the war, and the defeat of the war was irreversible, the German panzers accumulated valuable experience during the war, laying the foundation for future development.
DID proudly presents you the WWII German Panzer Commander – Max Wünsche, with a realistic and handsome headsculpt. His deep eyes convey a calm yet resolute gaze, perfectly capturing an expression of unwavering composure amidst adversity.

He is dressed in a classic officer’s black panzer uniform, trousers and shirt, along with a newly crafted reversible Italian camo field tunic and green trousers. Additionally, he is equipped with a malleable officer visor cap and camo field cap, which can be paired separately with the black panzer uniform and the camo tunic. Completing the ensemble, he wears a pair of newly crafted black leather boots. The various outfit combinations further restore the historical figure, allowing collectors to match costumes according to different combat scenarios.

He is equipped with a P38 pistol, a standard sidearm used by german panzer during the war, with genuine leather holster. The sleeve can be pulled and the magazine can be removed.

For accessories, he comes with a genuine leather map folder containing a map, a panzer headset with throat mic, and the binoculars for observing distant enemy positions. There are also a variety of medals made of exquisitely engraved metal! All accessories are beautifully detailed.

Experiencing the WWII history with Max Wünsche, the epitome of German Panzer commander. A must-have for all collectors, you should not miss him!

PS:1/6 Panther tank diorama and other action figures showed in the images are NOT included in D80176.

Full Part List​

1 Super realistic headsculpt
2 DID 1:6 HG Body (Slim Tall Ver.)
3 Left palms X 3 + right palms X 3

4 German Panzer Officer Visor Cap
5 German Panzer Camo Field Cap
6 German Italian Camo Field Tunic
7 Green trousers
8 German Black Panzer uniform
9 Black panzer trousers
10 Black shirt
11 Grey Gloves
12 Brown Belt (genuine leather)
13 Black Belt (genuine leather)
14 Boots (genuine leather)

15 German Panzer Headset and Throat Mic
16 Binoculars
17 Map and Map Folder (genuine leather)
18 Watch

19 P38 pistol with holster (genuine leather)

20 Shoulderboard X 1 pair ( with 4 golden rank stars)
21 Collar tab X3 ( SS Obersturmbannführer collar tab X1, SS Sturmbannführer collar tab X1, SS collar tab X1
22 Sturmbannfuhrer Camo Rank Sleeve Insignia X1+Obersturmbannfuhrer Camo Rank Sleeve Insignia X1
23 Breast Eagle X2
24 German Cross in Gold X1
25 Iron cross First Class 1939 X 1
26 Wound Badge in Silver X1
27 Infantry Assault Badge in Silver X1
28 War Merit Cross, 1st Class Silver with swords X1
29 Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross X1
30 Cuff Title x 2

Wünsche, Max (Waffen SS)​

Date of birth: April 20th, 1914 (Kittlitz/Löbau, Germany)
Date of death: April 18th, 1995 (München, Germany)
Buried on: Nordfriedhof Munich
Plot: 193. Row: A. Grave: 14.
Service number:SS-Nr.: 153.508 // NSDAP-Nr.: 5.508.247
Nationality:German (1933-1945, Third Reich)

In service from October 1st 1934.


01.11.1934: SS-Junker
00.00.1935: SS-Standartenjunker
25.02.1936: SS-Standartenoberjunker
20.04.1936: SS-Untersturmführer
11.09.1938: SS-Obersturmführer
25.05.1940: SS-Hauptsturmführer der Waffen-SS
01.09.1942: SS-Sturmbannführer der Waffen-SS
30.01.1944: SS-Obersturmbannführer der Waffen-SS
15.08.1944: SS-Standartenführer (unconfirmed)

00.00.1928: joined the Reichslandbund

00.11.1932: joined the Hitlerjugend

00.07.1933: joined the SS-VT

10.08.1933: 18. SS-Standarte Königsberg

01.06.1934: Geländesportlehrer, SS-Sportschule, Wolfenbüttel

00.00.1934: Führeranwärterlehrgang, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Jüterborg

24.04.1935-20.04.1936: SS-Junker, 2. Friedens-Junker-Lehrgang, SS-Junkerschule Bad Tölz

00.04.1936: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, 9. Sturm, SS-Standarte 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', SS-VT, Berlin-Lichterfelde

00.03.1937: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, Panzerspähzug, SS-Standarte 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', SS-VT

00.00.1938: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, 17. Sturm, SS-Standarte 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', SS-VT

01.10.1938: SS-Ostuf, Ordonnanz-Offizier, SS-Begleitkommando des Führers

03.09.1939: SS-Ostuf, Adjutant, Führer Adolf Hitler - campaign in Poland

25.01.1940: SS-Ostuf, Zugführer, II. Zug, 15. Kradschützen-Kompanie, SS-Standarte 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', SS-VT - campaign in the Netherlands then in France - Operation Fall Gelb

10.05.1940: SS-Ostuf, Adjutant, Sepp Dietrich, LAH - Esquelbecq, the Netherlands

00.05.1940: SS-Ostuf, WIA

00.06.1940: SS-Hstuf, Ordonnanz-Offizier, K-Stand, Führerhauptquartier Felsennest

00.12.1940: SS-Hstuf, Adjutant, Stab, SS-Infanterie-Regiment LAH

00.03.1941: SS-Hstuf, Adjutant, Stab, SS-Infanterie-Regiment LAH - campaign in the Balkans - Operation Marita, liaison officer with the Greek Army

00.06.1941: SS-Hstuf, Adjutant, Stab, SS-Infanterie-Division LAH, III. Armee-Korps, Heeresgruppe Süd - campaign in Russia - Operation Barbarossa
31.07.1941: SS-Hstuf, Stab, LAH - capture of Novo-Archelsk, Uman Pocket, Ukraine

00.11.1941: SS-Hstuf, at the disposal of the Ia, Stab, LAH - fightings in Crimea, Perekop, Berdjansk, Mariupol and Taganrog

15.02.1942: SS-Hstuf, Führer, SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1, SS-Division LAH

01.06.1942: SS-Hstuf, 6. Generalstabslehrgang, Kriegsakademie Berlin

01.09.1942: SS-Stubaf, Kdr, SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1, 1. SS-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

22.10.1942: SS-Stubaf, Kdr, I. Abteilung, SS-Panzer-Regiment 1, 1. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

00.02.1943: SS-Stubaf, Kdr, I. Abteilung, SS-Panzer-Regiment 1, 1. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, II. SS-Panzer-Korps - Battle of Kharkov

08.02.1943-09.02.1943: SS-Stubaf, fightings in Merefa

14.02.1943: broke out to Alexejewka

22.02.1943: fightings to recapture Kharkov in Jeremejwka

00.06.1943: SS-Stubaf, Führer, SS-Panzer-Regiment 12, 12. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division 'Hitlerjugend'

00.07.1943: Regimentsführerlehrgang, Panzertruppenschule Wünsdorf

00.08.1943: training at Mailly-le-Camp, France then in Hasselt, Belgium

00.06.1944: fightings near Authie, Calvados, France

07.06.1944-15.07.1944: SS-Ostubaf, Kdr, SS-Panzer-Regiment 12, 12. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division 'Hitlerjugend' - detroyed 219 allied tanks - Normandie, France

09.06.1944: WIA to the head

28.06.1944-29.06.1944: fightings near Amayé-sur-Seulles and Saint-André-sur-Orne along the Orne River, Hill 112

00.08.1944: SS-Staf, proposed for the Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub und Schwerter

20.08.1944: SS-Staf, WIA when trying to break out of the Falaise Pocket

24.08.1944: SS-Staf, captured near Saint Lambert - British POW in POW camp 165, Caithness, Scotland

00.00.1948: released

Iron Cross First Class awarded May 31st, 1940

German Cross in Gold awarded February 25th, 1943

Knight's Cross awarded February 28th, 1943

Wound Badge in Silver awarded June 11th, 1944


Yesterday 04:49
From Weibo web version

D80176 adds a new collar badge on the right side, and the silver first-class military merit medal is replaced by the Bulgarian Courage Badge. Please check the collar badge and badge pictures

There wasn't an Infantry Assault Badge in Gold.

Wünsche was awarded the Bronze badge on 30th October 1940 while as SS-Obersturmführer of II. Zug, 15. Kradschützen-Kompanie, SS-Standarte 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', SS-VT.

The Bulgarian medal they added earlier is the Voenen Orden "ZaHrabrost" IV stepen, 1 klas, which he was awarded on 6th July 1942. (Translated from Bulgarian: Military Order "For Courage" 4th degree, 1st class).


DID Action Figures

· 38 m ·

The final updated version Headsculpt of the D80176 1/6 WWII German Panzer Commander Max Wünsche, featuring fine-tuned facial features and shape. We hope you will love him.

Max is here.

They dressed him in the black uniform. For some reason I was expecting him to come in the camo and green trousers, which is my plan for him.

IMG_2897 DID Max Wünsche.JPG
IMG_2903 DID Max Wünsche.JPG

Sculpt appears to be good:

IMG_2900 DID Max Wünsche.JPG
IMG_2901 DID Max Wünsche.JPG
IMG_2902 DID Max Wünsche.JPG

The backdrop is stylised like the background cell for a cartoon, so I probably won't be using it for photographing any figures.

IMG_2899 DID Max Wünsche.JPG
Thanks for sharing as always! The head sculpt turned out pretty good; agreed. You’re right, he’ll look better in the camo top-DID probably assumed most would error on the side of the black panzer uniform. Like you it seems, I prefer his look from photos I’ve seen of his time with the 12th in Normandy.
Thanks for sharing as always!


The head sculpt turned out pretty good; agreed.

I've just got round to looking at him properly. The sculpt is really impressive. As usual there's no sweaty satin finish in hand, which the camera flash always accentuates. The flash also washed out the sculpted details, particularly the determined expression with the bumps of the vertical muscles above the bridge of his nose.

You’re right, he’ll look better in the camo top-DID probably assumed most would error on the side of the black panzer uniform. Like you it seems, I prefer his look from photos I’ve seen of his time with the 12th in Normandy.

Changing him out of his black uniform is easier than usual because the Panzer wrap has different fastenings this time. Instead of buttons and elasticated loops there are two metal poppers (yes old style metal as opposed to the flimsy, fiddly plastic ones!), then one working button at the top.

Untying the hem of the trousers allows them to be taken off over his boots, and the green pair are also wide enough to put on over them.

The camo jacket does have functioning buttons. On that point, with all the DID figures I've bought only one included a buttonhook. Even in their own videos DID have resorted to using tweezers instead.

I've just got round to looking at him properly. The sculpt is really impressive. As usual there's no sweaty satin finish in hand, which the camera flash always accentuates. The flash also washed out the sculpted details, particularly the determined expression with the bumps of the vertical muscles above the bridge of his nose.

Changing him out of his black uniform is easier than usual because the Panzer wrap has different fastenings this time. Instead of buttons and elasticated loops there are two metal poppers (yes old style metal as opposed to the flimsy, fiddly plastic ones!), then one working button at the top.

Untying the hem of the trousers allows them to be taken off over his boots, and the green pair are also wide enough to put on over them.

The camo jacket does have functioning buttons. On that point, with all the DID figures I've bought only one included a buttonhook. Even in their own videos DID have resorted to using tweezers instead.
That's great to hear, I hate real buttons it adds nothing for me and I've messed a few up just trying to put them on.
I haven’t seen metal poppers in a long time-that’s great! Not since my Dragon figure days.

I was surprised to see them since DID love those annoying little plastic ones.

That's great to hear, I hate real buttons it adds nothing for me and I've messed a few up just trying to put them on.

The camo jacket does have real buttons though, and they were more difficult than normal. :angryfist:

Same as with Otto Skorzeny, the buttonholes had to be opened up wider to have a fighting chance of getting the buttons through.

IMG_2910 DID Max Wunsche.JPG

IMG_2909 DID Max Wunsche.JPG

▪︎ DID gave me two Silver Wound badges and NO Assault Badge.
▪︎ The caps are quite tight on his head, I'd be afraid if taking on and off it might scuff or damage paint on HS. So anyone that got him, be careful!!
▪︎ The brown officer belt seems a new thinner material, I think it's still genuine leather, but it's much easier to fasten now!!
▪︎ It's the standard slim tall body.
▪︎ You get two SS rune collar tab and 2 rank tabs (1x Sturmbannführer, 1x Obersturmbannführer)
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