Joost figure suggestion thread

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I’m not so sure Mars would be willing to tackle the complex rubber suits for Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. Most of Mars’ figures are just in regular suits or, at most, fabric bodysuits.
Probably part of why we haven’t seen any progress on their 92 Catwoman yet, also the fact they have so much product on backlog. I just don’t see a crowd forming for a massive space filler (Batman & Robin Bane) at the prices Joost will want to charge. The community at large doesn’t like that film and Bane is a big reason for it.

If JazzInc is to survive being a figure making company, they’ll quickly need to realize what characters are dead in the water with the community. I understand a lot of these characters are nostalgic but Joost would be bankrupt if he actually went through with some of these oddball characters no one really knows, not everything needs a figure, some things can stay in media.
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Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman.

If we're talking DC, how about Superman stuff...

Zod, Ursa and Non to go with IA's Superman.
George Reeves
Brandon Routh
Dean Cain
I'd definitely love official versions of these!
I’m not so sure Mars would be willing to tackle the complex rubber suits for Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. Most of Mars’ figures are just in regular suits or, at most, fabric bodysuits.
Correct. They abandoned their KO of DX09 Keaton b/c the metal molds for the rubber bodies were too expensive from what I remember. However, that's when they were first starting and hadn't even released the DX08 KO yet. But, given their backlog and slow speed, I'd hate to add yet another thing to their list.
Yeah guys this is on me - I opened the floodgates by removing the DC stipulation :ROFLMAO:
Sorry Joey Tribbiani GIF
I opened the floodgates by removing the DC stipulation :ROFLMAO:
He said Star Wars was doing so poorly that he won’t continue it. I don’t see a lot of these requests performing better than his unlicensed SW stuff, whether that be dioramas, vehicles or figures, it’s just unheard of IPs that won’t stand out among everything else coming out today enough to perform well.

He needs to ride out the Batman films with figures along side his Batmobiles before switching gears, it only makes sense, it’s his number one best seller. Why should he throw his dollar down for licensing rights to properties he can’t quickly unload, he can’t afford sitting stock compared to the likes of Sideshow. I’m sure he has numbers WB want him to achieve.
I am trying to think about DC Superheroes and Vehicle Tie ins...

I know it's becoming a wishlist....but I think DC and Vehicle tie ins like Michael Knight/Garth plus Kitt and Car makes sense since Joost mentioned Kitt numerous times.

Maybe Emil Hirsch depending on the Mach 5 he does....this is doubtful but who knows.

I think TV DC properties like Gerard Christopher and John Wesley Shipp make sense but not as much as Supes.

Superman 2 Villains, and a Lex Luthor...I think the Superman Villains make the most sense. It's classic, and a TV/Movie property. Perhaps even a Margot Kidder Lois makes a lot of sense.
It would be great if Joost can get his hands on a Beetlejuice license especially since he's currently working with Sean Dabbs and Viola. Their(Dabbs &Viola) limited custom run of Lydia looks fantastic along with their Beetlesnake so I'm sure their Beetlejuice would turn out awesome. Better than Sideshow's recent Beetlejuice at least, which actually isn't too bad.
I think Catwoman is the big test... think it will sell like hot cakes.

I think making things that tie into vehicles will also be on the priority lists. I can see an Unmasked Adam West and Burt Ward.

I can see an OFFICIAL Penguin from Returns.....but I think again as long as Catwoman sells, we will get more figures.
He said Star Wars was doing so poorly that he won’t continue it. I don’t see a lot of these requests performing better than his unlicensed SW stuff, whether that be dioramas, vehicles or figures, it’s just unheard of IPs that won’t stand out among everything else coming out today enough to perform well.

He needs to ride out the Batman films with figures along side his Batmobiles before switching gears, it only makes sense, it’s his number one best seller. Why should he throw his dollar down for licensing rights to properties he can’t quickly unload, he can’t afford sitting stock compared to the likes of Sideshow. I’m sure he has numbers WB want him to achieve.
When HT showed The Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter Joost also said that if they didn't make it then he definitely would. But that may have been before he went legit with WB & DC, so now it may be that he doesn't want to do any unlicensed stuff anymore for fear that might jeopardize his status with DC. I think that could be more of a factor than SW "doing poorly". Anything OT, PT or early Mando related figures sell/sold just fine (HT overproducing figures has more to do with SW figures being on deep discount than their actual popularity).
When HT showed The Mandalorian's N-1 Starfighter Joost also said that if they didn't make it then he definitely would. But that may have been before he went legit with WB & DC, so now it may be that he doesn't want to do any unlicensed stuff anymore for fear that might jeopardize his status with DC. I think that could be more of a factor than SW "doing poorly". Anything OT, PT or early Mando related figures sell/sold just fine (HT overproducing figures has more to do with SW figures being on deep discount than their actual popularity).
I’m sure the fact that just about anything SW related made by JazzInc is massive plays a roll. Even if we were to consider all of the attributing factors, everyone knew Batman would be his best seller. What other IP can you convince collectors to buy a vehicle from every film at $1,500 USD a piece and still keep them coming. If I remember correctly he had trouble moving the Batwing stock due to how massive it is, what happens when the already niche market of a niche market, has bought all your stuff and ran out of space? You start producing figures.
I’m sure the fact that just about anything SW related made by JazzInc is massive plays a roll. Even if we were to consider all of the attributing factors, everyone knew Batman would be his best seller. What other IP can you convince collectors to buy a vehicle from every film at $1,500 USD a piece and still keep them coming. If I remember correctly he had trouble moving the Batwing stock due to how massive it is, what happens when the already niche market of a niche market, has bought all your stuff and ran out of space? You start producing figures.
His decision to do that makes perfect sense, I just wish he'd have come to it after he produced Mando's N-1 Starfighter. Because I want one and it should be all about me, profitability be damned! :lol
All kidding aside, I think the Batmobile well is about to dry up too. The 89 Batmobile will be my 4th 1/6 scale Batmobile (including the HT Tumbler) and I'm pretty much tapped out of space - despite having an entire finished basement dedicated to this hobby. If I'm out of room I'm guessing others are in the same boat. Plus none of the remaining Batmobiles (Animated Series, Kilmer and Clooney era) are really that iconic, so I don't see those selling anywhere close to the numbers the 66, 89, BvS and The Batman versions did.
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Man the DC specific Universe characters never stood a chance once the thread opened up to every license under the sun.
Maybe should be another thread, or moved to the General Collectibles - Action Figures, as some of these choices are wasted in a DC forum.
Didn't take long for this thread to go the way of ALL others and become a ridiculous WISH LIST instead of anything productive and in line with the license Joost actually has.

Darkness? Gilligan?
If it's Giligan who crossed that line - I think I am guilty of several, I was gearing up to post The Addam's Family TV cast :LOL:
Addams Whip.gif

Addams Fester Boxing.gif

And was all in on sevral of these choices...
Nostalgic figures, eh? No longer “DC only”, eh?

Boone as Paladin
James West, Artemis Gordon and Mikeleto Loveless. And that caboose!

Falk as Columbo

I could go on. I have a lot of nostalgia for those ‘50s, ‘60s and early ‘70s shows. And of course everything Batman ‘66
Though not sure how you would do the Wanderer, it would take a giant shelf unto itself,
A 1:6 James West & Artemus Gordon and maybe a portion of the Wanderer caboose's gadget-arsenal/crime-lair compartment, could work.
That would be as iconic to me as 66 Batman and Batmobile/Cave.


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