InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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It's got potential. Already looking better than Inart's by a good margin I think. I definitely prefer the neutral mouthplate over this new one he shared though. Paint could also be improved as @Cap'n Cook mentioned. Cap, which painter do you have in mind if you decide to go forward with this?

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Got a few painters lined up mate. I’ll pm you.
Ah, my bad. Cap did express the interest though, so my question still stands 😅
Nah I did comment on the paint and that I would be sourcing a different painter when I originally shared the unreal cowl here way back. 👍🏻
@dklkzk is my favorite for Batman cowls, though hes very expensive, $300+ from what I've seen.
Mine too but currently closed for commission.
The cape is the best I've seen overall, so far, but you're pretty much forced to go dynamic. Not only because it's not designed to drape, but also to hide its excessive length and wrong shape.

Some capes have a better silhouette, but they're much less accurate too.
I like the hybrid.
Color differece seems noticeable though.

The cape is the best I've seen overall, so far, but you're pretty much forced to go dynamic. Not only because it's not designed to drape, but also to hide its excessive length and wrong shape.

Some capes have a better silhouette, but they're much less accurate too.
I think there's just way too much material. Not many people are going to have the cape completely flared out anyway, so not sure why they bothered with that. And the wires also don't seem nearly as strong as those in a Jaxon cape, so it doesn't hold it's shape very well even if you are going for something dynamic.
Sad to hear the hands have the same magnet issues from before. Gandalf was not to bad but had it worse with the right grip hand. Hopefully I don't have the same issue when I get mine, I think the cowl sculpt looks amazing and definitely has better look to it. I'll try the HT parts to see what they look switched out but ultimately I'll leave the InArt in tact and not change anything out for sure. I might get the cape to work decently but I hope Unreal listened to my suggestion and makes an accurate cape with the correct lining, and some wires.

while i wait for inart to respond back to kit here's batman assembled, hopefully i can get a replacement head for the rooted head. the hair is kinda messed up from the front from me trying to clean the residue, but it was no use in the end. their new locking mechanism for the rooted head is good, i don't see why they'd need the plastic cover, especially one that's so tight around the sculpt. that ruins the rooted hair imo even if its meant to protect the figure more. either have the plastic baggie around the head be big or no plastic cover

I ditched the base, felt too weak and cheap to me. the magnet point is only on his heel unlike joker where its front and back. he stands better than joker because his shoes are flat. ill get a new base for him but this is what it is for the meantime

Oh yeah that's another thing I forgot to mention. The arms just look way too damn skinny under the armor, and it's impossible to hide that.

That's because they are skinny. I stripped him to see what's wrong with the shoulder, and it seems like there's glue or some much making it stiff as well as just something wrong with the ratchet. But it struck me just how skinny his arms are, like... They're really skinny, the body is definitely undersized to accommodate padding and cloth, but it's very numerous.

I agree with another poster the arms are difficult to maneuver with the bicep plates just twisting around the arm instead of the arm twisting.

I guess these are trade offs, an exceptional looking figure with difficult usage. But, this is the trade off again, better 1/6 will be more frustrating and less user friendly.

Also, to add be careful removing the premium head. The magnet for that is strong AF and there's not much to grip to remove the semi-circle neck slot from it when it's attached, can see that being an issue.
Can't take any decent photos, but I've settled on this being a pretty special release. Comparing it to a custom item that was over 2x the price of this, and yet this seems more finessed and intricate, it's unimaginable how far this hobby has come in terms of mass production. I'm incredibly, very happy I ordered the Phoenix set now, I was worried Inart couldn't deliver. Joker still looks like an absolute shambles of a release, but since Pennywise the others have looked stellar, and actually having this in hand and seeing that quality first-hand I can't wait for Aragorn around the corner.

For those dying to know, yeah I still prefer the JND statue, that is otherworldly, especially the bust. But to have a 1/6 scale that acts like a miniature Batman that can be posed is remarkable. Inart have taken Hot Toys' mantle, in a similar fashion to how I jumped from Play Arts Kai to Hot Toys and the realism of them made everything else suddenly remove some tinted glasses and make everything look like a toy, Inart has done the same here. I can't get over the anatomy and how the body can be manipulated to actually behave like a person.

Hats off to Inart, long may they continue this hobby, but I hope they stay true and become better also especially with QC. My only other qualm is the face paint application makes it seem anime like in a way, perhaps too bold colours, especially the lips, looks too beautiful even though the portrait looks pretty much there, sort of takes away the likeness.

Spoiled for poses with this figure. I do wish they would go the JND approach and create a sleek and unified baseline, though, these are too good to have naff plastic bases with no unification.
That's because they are skinny. I stripped him to see what's wrong with the shoulder, and it seems like there's glue or some much making it stiff as well as just something wrong with the ratchet. But it struck me just how skinny his arms are, like... They're really skinny, the body is definitely undersized to accommodate padding and cloth, but it's very numerous.

I agree with another poster the arms are difficult to maneuver with the bicep plates just twisting around the arm instead of the arm twisting.

I guess these are trade offs, an exceptional looking figure with difficult usage. But, this is the trade off again, better 1/6 will be more frustrating and less user friendly.

Also, to add be careful removing the premium head. The magnet for that is strong AF and there's not much to grip to remove the semi-circle neck slot from it when it's attached, can see that being an issue.
Is it difficult to strip the figure down? Any stitching needs to be undone?
Interested to see JND's take on this chatacter. In 1/6 scale. The cowl would benefit greatly from the silicone. Would look seamless without limiting articulation, and would add a nice texture.
I swear I feel tempted to learn sculpting just to have a go at this cowl. lol

It'd be fun if nothing else comes out of it. I wonder what kind of set up I would need. Specs? Best software? (Zbrush?) Tools?
The big difference is that Jaxon's is handmade while the other is factory made according to him.
I’ll chime in on this and say that a “factory” made figure is still made by hand. All of the clothes have to be tailored by “factory” workers behind sewing machines. The accessories, like weapons are all hand painted and head sculpts, and belts, and tools etc. Maybe Jaxon is doing things solo all by himself but all the figures we collect are made by working hands. There aren’t any machines that can do “the process” without some kind of human interaction and it’s people assembling, painting, casting etc. *Ding* 😎👍🏼
Received my Premium today as well and it certainly looks fantastic... but man is it a frustrating figure to do anything with. The hands and various other parts fall off anytime I try to pose the figure, the cape is incredibly hard to tame, and the base magnets somehow seem even weaker and less dependable than the Joker ones. And I won't be comfortable at all with leaving it on display without a crotch grabber.

Thankfully the proportions and head size look far better in hand than in some of the pics, and make the HT proportions look absolutely ridiculous now. So I will definitely not be keeping that one.

So yeah, overall it's an awesome looking figure, but I am officially over the whole magnet thing. Lol

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You have made this figure look the best it has ever looked. Kudos.

This one in particular, wow. Looks like a shrunken down 1/6 guy in a suit. The striking colors, materials finishes, the proportions, the well positioned eyes, damn.
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