Hot Toys The Acolyte Figures?

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They're not gonna make a figure of a character we've seen less than a third of, peeking from the shadows folks. ....
To make that shot there would be concept art, maybe a sculpted model for reference then 3D model (if CGI) or full costume with prosthetics (if done practical) sometimes both.
That is a lot of material for HT to make a figure from, even if the final show all we got was a glimpse.
Preordes up now:
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Despite the horror of the show I would find it hard to pass on the stranger. Definitely needs to be unmasked sculpt
Him aside the rest are pretty easy passes
Wasn’t a fan of the show but enjoyed this character. Happy to have a version on my shelf.
I get it, but at the same time the helmet of the costume reminds me of Pumpkinhead/horror movies and throws me right out of SW world. Seems like costume designers keep trying to top Vader's helmet but IMO neither Kylo or the Stranger's helmet are as threatening. Especially Kylo and the whole duck thing.
Part of me really wishes we got a figure announcement or two only for it to also get cancelled.
It would been too freakin' funny.