Most Famous Person You’ve Actually Seen/Met in the Flesh

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1994- filming Assassins

Sylvester Stallone Rambo GIF by IFC

2009 filming The Rum Diary

johnny depp GIF
I had jury duty with Nolan Ryan once. I grew up watching him pitch. I didn't get to say anything though because the judge was all "You there! Sit down or you will be held in contempt!".

I was just trying to change seats but every time I did the dude next to me was "Is that Nolan Ryan?" then they farted loudly. It happened like three times. I kept trying to navigate to a chair that didn't smell like butt, but evidently that's against the "rules". If you're on jury duty, you must endure farts. If they told people that I think less people would show up. Maybe more? Dunno, I don't get out a lot.
Not the only time but probably my favorite time meeting a celeb. Around summer of 2003 or 2004, I was in the Steamfitters union and working in Midtown Manhattan. My partner and I are crossing 6th Ave to meet up with some other dudes for lunch and all of a sudden, my partner, in mid crossing of the avenue, changes direction. We get closer to this car sitting in traffic waiting for the light to change, and its Matt Damon in the passenger seat with the window wide open talking to whoever is driving. My buddy goes "Hey Matt, what's going on!" with absolutely no inhibition(I never would've done this on my own, I'm sure these people get harassed enough and it's just not my style), and Matt, not missing a beat, just turns towards us weirdos walking towards his car, smiles, says what's up, and sticks his hand out to shake our hands. As we shook, I told him I think his movies are great, but his taste in baseball teams are absolutely terrible, spinning my hat backward hat forward to reveal the glorious emblem of the Evil Empire, my beloved Yankees. He cracked up hysterically, thanked us, and wished us well.
So, I was just chilling at a small coffee shop, minding my own business, when in walks Keanu Reeves. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, like, no way could that be him, right? But sure enough, it was.Dude was super low-key, just grabbed a coffee and sat down by himself. I was debating whether to go up to him or not, not wanting to be "that guy" who interrupts someone’s peace. But I couldn’t help it—how often do you get to meet Neo/John Wick in real life?So, I casually walked over, and, in the most nonchalant way possible (at least, that’s how I hope it came off), I said, “Hey, just wanted to say I’m a big fan. Thanks for all the awesome movies.” He looked up, smiled, and said, “Thanks, man. That means a lot.”