Prime 1 / Blitzway: The Matrix - 1/3 Neo (Keanu Reeves)

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Really surprised they've not included an M16 so we can recreate the DVD cover. I'm still game at this price, but the rifle would have been the ultimate cherry on top.

How many of us had this image embedded into our brains growing up?

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I'm ok with the guns he comes with, but I do agree that having at least an M16 for the base would have been a nice easter egg. As for the Bonus Uzis, I have no desire to own those so if I do get this it would be the regular with the pistols, hands, and MP5s. Those three options are more than enough for me.

I really like the base with the light up Matrix coding. That's pretty badass.
I’ll reiterate the “WOW!” on the sculpt and I really like that the pose isn’t at all what I would have guessed. That trailer on the site was pretty awesome, too.

Still, even if I could justify spending that much on it, I wouldn’t begin to have a place to put it.
I just spent the past week reorganizing my collection with completely new shelving as my last shelves (Bestas) were just insufficient for the size of most of my most recent pieces I've picked up over the past few years (P1 Alien Big Chap, Warrior Alien, Predator 1/3s, Iron Studios X-Men vs Sentinel dioramas 2 & 3, XM Apocalypse, etc.). It was always the plan eventually, but having a baby stopped any work on the collection for a couple of years and a lot of pieces either had no permanent spot or were still in boxes. With the recent delivery of the P1 Predator I knew I had to make moves in order to get him to his original intended location on my desk. The Sentinels were there as placeholders, but I knew I needed to find a home for them and Apocalypse, which I am very happy to say that I finally have. I'm not fully done with everything, but I'm 90% there and it's very satisfying to be near the finish line.

So with those all set up and with spaces left for both the Prime1 T-800 and Endoskeleton, I "think" I will be adding Neo to the collection as I should have enough room to fit him as well. I've recently been pondering whether or not The Matrix was a property that was worthy of joining Predator, Aliens, and Terminator as my "large" pieces and I've about come to the conclusion that it is a property that is important to me. I don't see anything else reaching that level besides Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (edit: I forgot Indiana Jones), but I exclusively collect other scales for those (1/4 and 1/5 SW & 1/6 Weta mainly for LOTR) as there is just so many characters I want and not just "The One" where I would be satisfied to represent an entire property, like I would be with Neo.

Plus, it would be nice to finally have a Keanu Reeves piece since he is also in so many other properties/movies that I really love. He's generally just a good human being as well.

edit: I forgot Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is the competition that Neo really faces as Indy is my favorite human character, Harrison Ford my favorite actor, along with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold is represented in T-800 form, but so far there is no Indiana Jones piece that has blown me away to become THE Indy piece to own in 1/3. Obviously the pickings are slim between the old Cinemaquette (terrific, perfect pose, great quality for it's time, horrible likeness) and the new JND Last Crusade (boring but acceptable pose, excellent cut and sew clothing and gear, terrible whip, pretty decent but off in the eyes/brows sculpt, fedora still needs work).

IF they rework Indy some, then I might consider that purchase, however Neo is perfect as is and needs nothing else. He's the pinnacle The Matrix collectible and at the price he's more than attainable.

Anyway, more food for thought...
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Pre-ordered the regular from Spec earlier today to get that one checked off....

edit: I'm surprised there isn't more discussion on Neo in any forum as he's the Neo version from the movie everyone has always wanted, in a scale people have wanted, from a company that has a great track record of nailing good likenesses (Blitzway). I guess when a piece is so good from the start with no need for criticisms or improvement, then folks tend to stay quiet :).

It would be nice to see some in person photos of the prototype in future conventions, so hopefully that creates more buzz.
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