Jazzinc Dioramas 1/6 Ultimate Catwoman (Batman Returns, 1992)

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Which three of these four should be part of the Clean DX set?

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Too many assumptions in what can potentially happen, might as well assume mass-painted static side eyes will be all googly eyed.

It just takes a little extra time, but once you get them lined up properly, they look miles better than the majority of painted eyes. Like futzing with rooted hair.

Rooted hair beats sculpted hair. And rolling eyes beat static eyes.

Convenience is good, but it doesn't trump quality.
This IS my Catwoman. As such, I want this to be perfect. A one-and-done that makes me not even question future offerings. I think that's why so many people have their knickers in a twist about the details. We've not ever gotten this character in a comparable offering before. Jazzinc. will be the trail-blazer. Hopefully they will also be the high-water mark going forward.
I love Julie Newmar, too, but Pfeiffer is next-level. The obsession some people have with Heath Ledger Joker, I have with her. So, for me, it goes Michelle > (big gap) Julie > (even bigger gap) Eartha and then nothing else really matters, imo. Animated Series Catwoman had a great design, but terrible writing. New Batman Adventures was Michelle Pfeiffer with all the cool things and sultry appeal stripped away. Arkham Catwoman was just there to be walking eye-candy. There was no genuine characterization to her. Zoe was great, but her costume was ugly as sin. Hathaway... I feel nothing for.
I love Julie Newmar, too, but Pfeiffer is next-level. The obsession some people have with Heath Ledger Joker, I have with her. So, for me, it goes Michelle > (big gap) Julie > (even bigger gap) Eartha and then nothing else really matters, imo. Animated Series Catwoman had a great design, but terrible writing. New Batman Adventures was Michelle Pfeiffer with all the cool things and sultry appeal stripped away. Arkham Catwoman was just there to be walking eye-candy. There was no genuine characterization to her. Zoe was great, but her costume was ugly as sin. Hathaway... I feel nothing for.

Oh totally. Pfeiffer blows them all away - it’s one of the best performances in any comic book movie ever. Keaton phoned it in big-time, DeVito is cartoonishly evil (which fit, and is great fun to watch), but Pfeiffer really brought it.

Batman Returns is her movie.
It just takes a little extra time, but once you get them lined up properly, they look miles better than the majority of painted eyes. Like futzing with rooted hair.

When I move a figure with SERS’ eyes I hold the head separately while positioning the eyes from the angle I want them to look, and slowly mess with the positioning until it looks like they’re making direct eye contact with me. That seems to help a bit.
I've never tried it that way. Any rolling eye head usually has a stick that you have to use and I keep having to go back and forth from looking at the eye movement to seeing if the stick is actually in the slot for the eyes because it always slips out (since I have shaky hands and I can't be slow and steady when doing it).
I like the single system joy stick that the inart joker has, but I don't think the eyes are 100% perfect match from the start so it always looks off to me.
Oh totally. Pfeiffer blows them all away - it’s one of the best performances in any comic book movie ever. Keaton phoned it in big-time, DeVito is cartoonishly evil (which fit, and is great fun to watch), but Pfeiffer really brought it.

Batman Returns is her movie.
I disagree about Keaton phoning it in. I think his performance is deliberately subtle and subdued to counter-balance the villains. I think he actually shines more in Returns than 89. Love DeVito and agree on that point.
Julie Newmar was fun. Second best for me, followed by the other 60’s Catwomen. Didn’t care for Hathaway personally. Kravitz was okay.


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We need a figure of her w/ alternate heads for Eartha Kitt and Lee Meriweather.
Fair enough, I'm not familiar with Batman 66.

I thought Hathaway and Kravitz were shallow. No charisma.

catwoman-movie (1).jpg
I agree with Asta. I prefer fixed eyes. I don't want to deal with broken eye sticks, or if one eye decides not to move. plus I can never get a separate eye system to look real, ones always just a bit off enough to look crossed eye.

SERS has become a necessary evil for Hot Toys as they compete with their rivals.

I eventually got Thrawn's eyes right, but it was such a fuss due to the fact they moved so freely, that once done I don't want to move them again. So the movable eyes are effectively static, but set to personal preference once. Personal preference for Thrawn was looking straight ahead, so the gimmick was as pointless for me as any electronic features on figures - I no longer even put batteries in to rest them.

As for a preferred Catwoman, it'd be one of the '66 trio. Newmar is the prime version.

I wasn't tempted to buy any of the 1/6 Pfeiffers that've come out over the years because I don't think I ever regarded her as my Catwoman. (I didn't regard the Nicholson Joker either because he only existed for a short time and was dead by the end of the film, though I relented when Mars did their original DX08 bootleg, which has lead to buying more '89 - '95 figures).

The temptation with JazzInc, which I haven't given into yet, is the effort that's obviously going into her, and what it means for their '66 line.
You can always tell the ages of folks based on their preferred version of a character that has been played by multiple people. Newmar IS and ALWAYS will be Catwoman to me; much like Connery is the all-time best Bond. Everyone since Nicholson’s Joker imho had to overact and be crazy insane which I never thought most of these characters were.
I like various "Catwomen" for different reasons. Julie Newmar’s portrayal was funny due to her slightly neurotic demeanor, which added a charming element to the femme fatale character. When it comes to acting, Michelle Pfeiffer’s performance is unparalleled to this day. BTAS CW I see as a slightly more kid friendly version of her. In terms of looks, Arkham City Catwoman is my favorite.

As for the figure, I was going to pass on this as I am content with the tweeterhead statue and I don't have a 1/6 Keaton rn, but I'm just too tempted. Would love to see the tongue-out sculpt as it is sth different.