I'd been eying off this replica of the famous MJ "Spirit" statue for a few weeks - truth be told targeted ads from eBay & AliExpress had been bombarding me for a while. I wasn't aware this existed so was super curious. The product came from China and I couldn't find much information about it online, so was a little dubious. Pretty sure it's unofficial/3rd party, but I took a chance and ordered via eBay as they offer decent fraud protection.
So anyway, a month after ordering and I'm excited (relieved) to say it arrived today and honestly looks pretty damn cool. It's about 50cm tall, and appears to be made out of resin with a bronze finish. I've got an orange spotlight shining on it at the moment, thus the strange discoloration on the bottom half. Really pleased with this, and stoked to now display it on my desk!
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