1/6 Ujindou UD9040 US Marine Corps - Battle of Okinawa

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Super Freak
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Mar 13, 2010
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Can't find a spec list anywhere so I created one myself:

Rifle gripping hands
Seamless arms x 4
M1941 Sage Green two-piece utility service uniform
M1942 Reversible 'Frog' camouflage utility service uniform (Green side out) (1943)
M1942 Reversible 'Frog' camouflage utility service uniform (Brown side out) (1943)
Helmet with Green 'Frog' camouflage cover
Green 'Frog' camouflage garrison cap
Boondocker boots
M1942 Reversible 'Frog' camouflage poncho (1943)
M1941 Haversack (upper pack)
M1941 Knapsack (lower pack)
M1910 Entrenching Tool
M1941 Suspenders
M1923 Cartridge belt
M2 Jungle First Aid kit pouch (larger OD pouch)
M1942 First Aid kit pouch
M1910 Canteen with early type cross-flap cover (no drain hole)
M1932 Pistol belt
M1911 Pistol with holster
M1911 Ammunition pouches
M1911 Magazine x 3
KA-Bar knife and scabbard
M1 Bayonet with M7 plastic scabbard
M1 Garand rifle
M1 Garand magazine x 1
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My observation and experience is, in this hobby, any 8 point "soft cap" is typically hit or miss.

It's just a hard item to get really right in 1/6th scale and done consistently across mass production. The few customizers over the years who I've seen got it "right", they built the cap first, then just found a head that was workable. It was too hard the other way around, well as they explained it. Sometimes the cap shell is too big, or the brim is too small, those are the common wrinkles I see. Also production pictures like this, they don't tell the whole story on something like that. These promo shots are like yoga pants in a gym. Everything looks better in yoga pants. Even if it's not better. Everything looks better in promo pics with the lighting, angles, futzing, etc, etc.

I'm glad for WW2 collectors who want more PTO though. This is a nice bonus for them. Whenever I see a US PTO figure released, I always hope for a "captured weapon" included in the set. Something a bit more rare weapon wise to add some spice to the set. But hey, that's just me.
My observation and experience is, in this hobby, any 8 point "soft cap" is typically hit or miss.

It's just a hard item to get really right in 1/6th scale and done consistently across mass production. The few customizers over the years who I've seen got it "right", they built the cap first, then just found a head that was workable. It was too hard the other way around, well as they explained it. Sometimes the cap shell is too big, or the brim is too small, those are the common wrinkles I see. Also production pictures like this, they don't tell the whole story on something like that. These promo shots are like yoga pants in a gym. Everything looks better in yoga pants. Even if it's not better. Everything looks better in promo pics with the lighting, angles, futzing, etc, etc.

I'm glad for WW2 collectors who want more PTO though. This is a nice bonus for them. Whenever I see a US PTO figure released, I always hope for a "captured weapon" included in the set. Something a bit more rare weapon wise to add some spice to the set. But hey, that's just me.

When I updated my two Kadhobby 1937 Japanese soldiers to WWII, using the M1938/Type 98 tropical shirt and trousers from DID/3R's Private Takuya Hayashi, I left off the holsters since the ranks were only Private, 2nd Class.

Since then I've had one of the Nambu pistols laying on the shelf with the Facepool US Marines, waiting for the time when I have a figure who isn't so overladen that I'd actually be able to see the captured Nambu stuffed in his belt.

There's almost two complete figures to be made from this set: one fully equipped, and one with just the pistol belt. Having two first aid pouches helps. The vital parts missing are boots and a T-shirt. I have the latter but spare Boondocker boots aren't so easy to come by, though you could get away with brown German ankle boots if he's wearing the leggings as the straps would help conceal the pattern on the sides.

There's even the opportunity for a third figure with the remaining uniform, using the poncho to hide his lack of belt and equipment. Though he'd also be lacking boots along with headgear.
This is the official spec list from the supplier, NovelToys:


  • BODY
    – M41 HBT Uniform Set x 1
    – M42 Frogskin Uniform Set x 1
    – Green Skivvy x 1
    – Field Shoes x 1 Pair
    – HBT Frogskin Cap x 1
    – Helmet x 1
    – Leggings x 1
    – USMC Poncho x 1
    – USMC M41 Backpack Set x 1
    – M41 Suspenders x 1
    – M1 Garand Ammunition x 1
    – USMC Belt x 1
    – M1911 Ammo Bag x 1
    – M1911 Colt x 1
    – US T Shovel x 1
    – US T Shovel Cover x 1
    – USMC Medicine Bag (Green) x 1
    – USMC Medicine Bag (Khaki) x 1
    – USMC Water Bottle Cover x 1
    – USMC Water Bottle x 1
    – M1 Garand Rifle x 1– Kabar Knife x 1– M1911 x 1
    – M1911 Clip x 3

They also had some extra photos:

Ujindou UD9040 28.jpeg

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Ujindou UD9040 31.jpeg
Been looking forward to this one. He'll be the base for three figures using spares from Facepool, DID and DML.

Something I'll never understand is Ujindou's obsession with producing tiny head sculpts. :oops:

DID Joerg on the left, Ujindou's UD9040 on the right:


The Ujindou sculpt is so narrow that the head rattles around inside the helmet like a pea in a drainpipe.

I've amended my plans and already switched the sculpts, so Joerg can wear the helmet and the Ujindou can wear the similarly smaller scaled garrison cap.



The backdrop this time is as bland as can be:


The rest of the set looks good, especially the wood and metal Garand.
There's some variance from the specs.

They listed "Rifle gripping hands", though he only comes with the four seamless arms.

They also said, "M1 Garand magazine x 1", though there are actually two clips. These comprise eight metal cartridges held by a metal clip.

The first figure, using the brown side of the camouflage, was fairly simple apart from the pistol not fitting the holster. I had to have him hold it as I couldn't close the flap with. The top opening is too narrow to accommodate the trigger guard.

Assembling the second figure was going fine until I came to the haversack and knapsack. Of course, there's no DID style video, the photographs are confusing, and I couldn't find any videos on attaching everything together with real world examples.

I got as far as attaching the haversack (upper pack) to the knapsack (the lower pack) by using the two straps that were fastened horizontally on the sides of the haversack - they have to be used vertically to connect the big metal ring on the upper pack to the buckle on the lower pack. The hooks on the haversack straps attach to the same big metal ring, securing it but leaving the knapsack dangling and unsecured.

After spending far too long trying to work out how the ends of the Y-straps connected crosswise to the ends of the haversack straps to hold both packs together as in Ujindou's photos, I decided it was impossible because the hooks and buckles seemed to be on the wrong straps.

I decided to fudge it and connected the pair of Y-straps to the belt at the back instead, without connecting them to either the haversack or knapsack.

The next annoying thing was the choice of seamless arms due to the angles of the hands and lack of elbow pivot. I couldn't get him to hold the rifle with both hands. In the promo photos they cheated as they used arms with separate hands to attain poses with the rifle.

I need to futz him. During the battle of the straps the legging lacing has come off one of the hooks, his top button is barely hanging on, and his ammo pouches have flipped open:


The other one has a T-shirt from EKUAZ's Hunk figure, a mortar vest from Facepool's Sledgehammer, DML US buckle boots and a Kadhobby Nambu pistol from their 1930's Japanese figure:

This is an indication how small the head is - even the helmet from the vintage DML 82nd Airborne Danny is big on him.

I preferred the look to the garrison cap so have kept it on him, with some cotton wool to stop it dropping over his eyes.

The third one, at the back, is just making use of the sage green uniform and holding the garrison cap, spare Facepool leggings and second mortar vest:


The USMC will need two shelves as there's the mortar and two Facepool Snafus to come.
Divided by uniform:

IMG_4984 Ujindou USMC.JPG

This shelf will be reserved for the mortar section:

IMG_4983 Facepool & Ujindou USMC.JPG

The colour variance between the Ujindou and Facepool uniforms is the difference between a new uniform and those that have seen use.

Facepool muted the colour of theirs after showing the promo photos:
