Yeah. I'm reminded of my first reaction to the Thomas Jane Punisher where people were like "Thomas Jane?? Florida?? Moving freaking hire hydrants to give bad guys parking tickets?? Oh great ANOTHER cliche 'make your logo out of fire scene'??" But then after people processed it they were like "wait, that movie was actually pretty good," lol.
That punisher movie was so amazing. Def a early 00s good movie
TJ Punisher was and is awful.
What’s wrong with you people?

Punisher has only been given the proper treatment once and that was in DDS2
TJ Punisher made me feel as bad for the villain as Frank and the villain surrounded himself with much more likable people than Frank did… OMG this neighbors.
Mind you this is coming from someone who spent his later teen years reading Punisher so I had and have strong feelings on how this character is handled.
TJ looked good in the part but I like my Punisher to look more like Mike Zecks art
Film even had Chief Brody and they still could not get me care

Guitar guy was the best part.

Maybe I’ll give it another shot. However I’m rarely wrong about such things though

It’s far better than War Zone though.