I know this site has been around for awhile, but not sure how many people know about it. I was checking it out for a bit today. It's great for reference pics.
Terrific resource. Thanks for sharing.
I could not find it, does IMFDB have a conected parallel forum where one could discuss, ask questions, post pictures about certain movie fire arms?
Whenever that accusatory meme comes up, it reminds me what it really symbolizes is everyone else must be pod-people, and hey at least I'm still human.
What's funny I was doing an exterior search fore a movie firearms database and forum, and surprisingly a link to this thread came up.I didn't check the date.
Should I have started a new thread just to ask my question?
I don't get what people pod-people prefer?
Can anyone recommend a more Movie/TV specific Firearm discussion Forum?
The specific movie guns (or rather their use) that I want to ask about, are a slightly egregious.